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Membrane Live

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This repository contains a project created during the Summer Internship of 2022 in Software Mansion.

Running app locally

To run the app locally it to have certain tools installed that is:

  • Elixir
  • Docker
  • Rust

Also you need to set environment variables. File .env.sample contains all required environment variables with example values. Remember: having a valid google client id is also required.

For valid WebRTC connection follow instructions given at Membrane Videoroom GitHub repository.

After setting all needed environment variables, you have to start a database. To do this you can use this command:

docker-compose up membrane-live-db

Next you have to initialize database with commands:

mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate

or simply with

mix ecto.setup

On the end you can start phoenix app:

mix phx.server

Copyright and License

Copyright 2022, Software Mansion

Software Mansion

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0