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Master/Slave Docker High Availability framework to support a single master with multiple slaves on Docker. Uses haproxy as a front-end and etcd for distributed control.


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Master/Slave Docker High Availability using etcd and haproxy

MSDHA was written to run containers on top of Docker that traditionally support a master/slave model where the master should accept connections while slaves follow the master. The containers are split into a backend and frontend.

Data is stored in etcd under the /msdha prefix, followed by the group (e.g.: /msdha/my_msdha_group).


If you make use of MSDHA then please add a star on the GitHub repository. You're also welcome to raise an issue if you have difficulties. The repository URL is

There are Docker images pre-built and available as below. The image versions are sequentially numbered.

  • msdha-backend:
  • msdha-frontend:
  • msdha-backend-postgresql: The example PostgreSQL container

I'm unaware who uses MSDHA, but I am currently using this for my production PostgreSQL cluster.


The following environment variables are supported:

Name Required Description
ETCDCTL_ENDPOINTS Yes A full URL to etcd including username and password if required
MSDHA_GROUP Yes The group/cluster that these containers will belong to
MSDHA_PORT Frontend only The TCP port to forward traffic to on the master
MSHDA_NAME No The name of this node, defaults to hostname. Must resolve by DNS from the frontend container.
MSDHA_TTL No How often a node will refresh with etcd. This also determines how long a node will take to stop if it disconnects from etcd.
MSDHA_MASTER_TTL No How long a backend node will maintain master status. Default is 1 day.

Backend Container

The backend is responsible for running your process. It maintains a lease with etcd for its node key (/msdha/my_msdha_group/my_node). If the lease is lost for whatever reason the backend is gracefully stopped after at most MSDHA_TTL seconds. There are a few options for building a backend container.

Note: You MUST run backend MSDHA containers with the Docker --init flag.

You can use your own Docker container as a base for MSDHA by following this process:

  • Replace the file backend/start_hook with the script that will be used to start your main process. The main process MUST be started with exec so that it can receive signals.
  • Use this build command: docker build backend --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=<your_image> --build-arg ETCD_RELEASE=<version>

You can also use MSDHA as a base for your own containers. MSDHA is built using Alpine Linux.


# Rest of your Dockerfile

You can add MSDHA directly to your container. In this case you will need to:

  • Copy into your own container and make it the starting command, along with setting the environment variable TINI_KILL_PROCESS_GROUP=1
  • Provide a start hook at /etc/msdha/hooks/start that will start your main process under exec
  • Add etcdctl from

The backend will run through the following states, calling a hook in /etc/msdha/hooks for each state. A failure of any hook will cause the backend container to terminate. The states are:

  1. pre_start
  2. start
  3. running_not_ready
  4. ready
  5. master


In this state the backend has not yet started the main process. This state is useful for setting up configuration files, fetching any initial data and performing any other tasks as required before the backend node starts your main process.


In this state the backend will start the main process. You MUST provide a script at /etc/msdha/hooks/start in order to start your main process and your script MUST call exec in order to start your main process so that it can receive signals correctly.


In this state the backend has started but the main process may not yet be ready to take over as master, or accept any other network connections as required. If a hook script is provided, it should block until the node is ready and can potentially be promoted to master.


In this state the backend and main process are completely ready to be promoted to master at any time. The backend will now be allowed to take over as master.


In this state the backend has been promoted to master by gaining the master lock in etcd. Note that only one backend at a time can maintain the master state. The backend will wait twice the MSDHA_TTL value before running the hook script for master promotion. The following scenario could happen, which is why the wait has been added:

  1. The master node has lost connection to etcd and waits up to MSDHA_TTL before stopping the main process gracefully. This wait is due to the timeout when refreshing the node lease. This master node may still however be able to communicate with all other nodes while waiting for the timeout.
  2. The new master node takes over as master immediately while the old master is still running and able to communicate with other nodes, which could cause potential problems.

Note: A master is never demoted. It will always be terminated.

Other Backend Processes

The backend also has other processes that it runs. These processes are continuously running while ever the backend is up. These processes start before the pre_start state.

Since MSDHA is written as a POSIX shell script there is no option for running multiple tasks as threads. While this goes against the one process per container mantra of Docker, running multiple related tasks is reasonable within the same Docker container. MSDHA will instead create a process for every task that should run concurrently with other tasks.

Lease Refresh

The backend node will have a key stored in etcd at /msdha/my_msdha_group/node that contains the node state. The node will make sure the lease on this key is continually refreshed. If the lease cannot be refreshed, the node will gracefully terminate.

Change Detection

The backend node can notify when any node (including itself) changes state. A hook at /etc/msdha/hooks/node_state_change can be run whenever a node change occurs. On startup, the hook will be called with the current list of nodes and their current states. No de-duplication of state changes is performed.

Node change detection runs concurrently with all other hook scripts. This has the benefit of being able to determine the current master and slaves during bring-up of the backend, but can also cause issues if both the node change detection hook and another hook are both trying to make changes. Synchronisation between these hooks may be required.

The node change detection hook takes 3 arguments:

  1. The action:
    • init: The initial state of the mentioned node when this backend started
    • PUT: An add or update for a node
    • DELETE: The node has been removed
  2. The node name
  3. The node state (empty for DELETE)

The node change detection hook is run on every node change, but only one invocation of the node change detection hook is run at a time. If a node rapidly changes state (such as during start-up), the node change detection hook will be run for each state change.

To assist with processing, the file /run/msdha/is_master will exist if this backend is the current master node. There is also /run/msdha/current_master.

If etcd loses its leader then the node change detection will stop and attempt to connect again. The very last change may be replayed.


Due to some limitations of the POSIX shell, a separate etcd watcher process is created to feed the change detection process. This process will be restarted if the etcd connection is dropped.

Frontend Container

The frontend container simply exposes the current master. It listens for any changes to the master and will begin sending traffic to the master node before the hook script completes on the master node. The frontend will send any TCP traffic it receives on MSDHA_PORT to the master on MSDHA_PORT. No traffic is sent to slaves. You can run multiple frontend containers for redundancy if required.

The frontend server by default runs as an unprivileged user. If your listening port is below 1024, you will need to set the --user=root option. The frontend is also capable of running in read-only mode. To support this, mount the /run directory as a tmpfs volume.

Note: The frontend connects to the backend master by name. If you change the name of the backend by setting MSDHA_NAME, this name must resolve correctly to the backend within Docker.

Best Practices and Pitfalls

The following is a list of areas where things could go wrong if you're not careful:

  • Do not use MSDHA outside of Docker. The spawned processes that handle things such as node lease refreshing will not be stopped, causing a backend node to still appear as available.
  • Make sure backend containers run with Docker's --init flag. The default Docker images will automatically use create an init process as required.
  • Do not run the backend containers in the main Docker bridge or Docker swarm ingress networks. These networks do not support Docker's built-in DNS resolution and will result in the frontend not being able to resolve the master backend by name.
  • The frontend should be in the same network as the backend containers, but can be multi-homed across networks.
  • The node change detection hook runs concurrently with other hooks and may result in two hook scripts attempting to update a backend node at the same time. See the appropriate section for more detail.
  • If you set the backend container's hostname, you MUST set MSDHA_NAME to the container name. Docker's DNS will not resolve the hostname you set.
  • If a container loses connection to etcd, it will gracefully stop. There are two cases when this may happen. The container may have lost the connection for watching changes in etcd. If this is the case the container will attempt to reconnect and keep going. If the lease refresh fails then the container will gracefully stop.
  • If your listening port is below 1024, run the frontend container as the root user.


Master/Slave Docker High Availability framework to support a single master with multiple slaves on Docker. Uses haproxy as a front-end and etcd for distributed control.







Packages 3