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Releases: maziac/DeZog


25 Jan 17:09
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  • New assembler listings supported: "sjasmplus".
  • Better support for z88dk-z80asm.
  • New parameters "asm" and "srcDirs".
  • '-eval' now evaluates also label names with a starting "_".
  • Dropped support for label files. The labels are extracted anyway from the list file.
  • Watches allow now more complex expressions not only labels. Now e.g. "dlistw+3" is supported.
  • Changed appearance of memory viewer: Added a column header and a legend for the register colors.

Small improvements

19 Dec 07:55
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  • Requires ZEsarUX 7.2.
  • Debugging can now start immediately after loading the snapshot file.
  • Setting breakpoints from vscode without interrupting a running program.
  • "startAutomatically" launch option working now.
  • Option "loadSnap" replaced by "load". "load" allows for loading .sna and .tap files.
  • "wpmem"/"assert" now disabled by default. It can be turned on manually or in the launch.json.
  • ASSERTs now work similar to WPMEM. They are not combined with vscode breakpoints anymore.
  • log configuration moved to the launch settings.
  • socketTimeout configurable.

Fixed Event-Stream vulnerability

29 Nov 19:02
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  • Fixed Event-Stream vulnerability.
  • Added breakpoint conditions that are translated into the ZEsarUX condition syntax.
  • Added parsing for ASSERTs.
  • New commands: "ASSERT enable|disable|status" (still experimental)
  • "state save" now persistent.


11 Nov 13:46
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The z80dismblr has now been fully taken into use. z80-debug now treats memory areas without source code differently. It is not necessary anymore to advise z80-debug to do a disassembly in the launch.json file.
Therefore the "disassemblies" property has been removed.
Instead z80-debug now disassembles the code on the fly if necessary.

Sprites And Patterns

30 Sep 15:45
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  • Uses new (ZEsarUX 7.1) and fast memory breakpoints for WPMEM watchpoints, see
  • Use of z80dismblr for disassembly.
  • Improved disconnection handling.
  • New command "-sprites" displays the sprites in a new window.
  • New command "-patterns" displays the sprite patterns in a new window.
  • New option for "-exec": "-view" redirects the output from console to a new view.
  • Experimental implementation for "-state save|restore".

Bug fixes (disassembly, breakpoints)

17 Jun 20:15
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  • Corrected setting of unverified breakpoints.
  • Fixed error when fetching disassemblies.

Basic support for z88dk and others

16 Jun 22:12
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  • Settings cleaned up.
  • Changing the program counter is now directly reflected in the UI.
  • Memory viewer got an additional ASCII field.
  • New debug command "-label" to output the number for a label.
  • Labels and constants are now also extracted from the asm files. I.e. in most cases it shouldn't be required to add a labels file anymore.
  • Formatting distinguishes now between 'small values' and 'big values'.
  • Basic support for z88dk z80asm.
  • Improved documentation of the list files.

Program Counter

12 Jun 19:23
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Program Counter can be changed via menu.
Some smaller bugfixes.
Readme and Usage separated.

First release to market place.

16 Jun 22:10
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Nothing else added.

Memory viewer/editor

10 Jun 15:12
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  • WPMEM: Persistent memory watchpoints added.
  • Watches: now the size and type can be manually added.
  • A memory viewer/editory has been added.
  • console command to evaluate expressions/labels.