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Releases: maziac/DeZog

z88dk map file

06 Apr 10:54
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z88dk map file Pre-release

Now there is better support for z88dk lis(t) files. But this also requires a new parameter (only for z88dk).


  • launch.json: Introduced "z88dkMapFile" parameter: better support for z88dk labels.
  • 'movePCtoCursor' back in right-click menu.


03 Apr 15:46
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Enhancements to "zsim" (internal simulator):

  • Optimized handling of HALT instruction.
  • Added "tbblueMemoryManagementSlots".
  • New values for "visualMemory": "none", "64K", "ZX48", "ZX128" and "ZXNEXT"
  • Added "Z80N" instructions.
  • "vsyncInterrupt" introduced to enable the 20ms interrupt.

Disassembly decorations

31 Mar 15:42
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  • Documentation update.
  • Z80 unit tests fixed.
  • Decorations (coverage, history spot, etc.) on disassembly improved.


28 Mar 16:58
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DeZog Pre-release

This is the 1.0 release of DeZog.
The idea is to substitute z80-debug in the marketplace with this DeZog release.
DeZog has now improved support for:


  • an internal Z80 simulator
  • reverse (time travel) debugging
  • state saving/restoring

Changes compared to previous version:

  • zsim: USR 0 mode for ZX 128K

ZEsarUX Delay Testing 2

24 Mar 18:18
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Change history:

  • zsim.cpuLoadInterruptRange introduced. Change the range for the average calculation.
  • ZEsarUX: launch.json parameters "debug_wait_before" and "debug_wait_after" (in ms) are more accurate now.

This version is similar to 0.13.4 but has more accurate timings for "debug_wait_before" and "debug_wait_after".

Zesarux Delay Testing

23 Mar 16:34
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Zesarux Delay Testing Pre-release
  • Internal simulator
    • Fix: Write-watchpoint was indicated as read-watchpoint.
    • Fix: corrected "LD (IX/IY+d),n".
    • Performance improvement
  • ZEsarUX: automatic loading enabled again. But added launch.json parameters to wait before and after loading ("debug_wait_before" and "debug_wait_after" in ms).
  • Visual update corrected after MovePcToCursor.

zesarux smartload test

22 Mar 11:39
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This is a very specific test release to find the zesarux crash reason. It changes some functionality:
It does not load the snag-file on start of a debug session.

Please try the following:

  1. Start Zesarux
  2. Start a debug session
  3. Check if Zesarux crashed.
  4. If not: load your sna file manually. Use the full path. In tab "DEBUG CONSOLE" enter
-e smartload C:....\yourfile.sna
  1. Check if Zesarux crashed (Note: The display in DeZog does not change yet, because it is not aware that a new program has been loaded)
  2. Do a step-over in DeZog. Now the display should change and you should see your program.
  3. Do further debugging in DeZog (step-over, step-into, continue etc.) and see if Zesarux crashes.

Please let me know what happens on your side. I.e. at which step Zesarux crashes or if does not crash anymore.

Simulator History

20 Mar 17:18
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Simulator History Pre-release

The internal simulator now also supports reverse debugging.
Please test.

And please also test the debugging/reverse debugging with zesarux as there has been a lot of re-factoring.

For those who experience a crash on zesarux on windows at the start of a debug session:
Please try to change the verbosity level from the UI and let me know if it mitigates the problem.

Simulator coverage

12 Mar 17:30
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Simulator coverage Pre-release

Code coverage decorations now available with internal simulator.

Clear all decorations

11 Mar 16:42
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Clear all decorations Pre-release

Changes since 0.12.3:

  • New command: "clearAllDecorations".
  • Command removed "clearCodeCoverage".
  • remoteType "zxsim" renamed to "zsim".
  • Simulator:
    • CPU load for simulator added.
    • Visual memory added.
    • loadObj supported.
    • state save/restore added
  • ZEsarUX: using zsf for save state/restore.