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Releases: maziac/DeZog

Memory models

07 Feb 16:55
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  • zsim: Added 'ZX16K' memory model, contributed by lmartorella '[zsim] Support for not-populated slots'.
  • zsim: Added 'CUSTOM' memory model to define an arbitrary memory layout.
  • Fixed intellisense for the launch.json.


28 Nov 11:23
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  • Activation event changed to be more specific and doesn't use "*" anymore.
  • Unit tests: name for the workspace: removed accidentally added '.x' from the name.

Only DeZog

04 Nov 21:05
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Unit tests are now hidden if workspace does not contain a DeZog launch.json.


24 Oct 14:49
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  • Fixed opcode disassembly (Index of IX/IY and others).
  • Allow multiple selections for "Disassembly at Cursor / of Selection"

Test driven

14 Oct 16:43
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  • Unit tests now use the vscode test API.
  • The restart behavior was reverted to some degree. Now it is possible to do a re-compile of the assembler sources followed by a restart because the labels are re-read.
  • Fixed memory model for ZEsarUX >= 9.2: Symptom: Breakpoints could not be set.
  • "Disassembly at Cursor" now also allows to select an area that should be disassembled.
  • CSpect is paused now before terminating the socket connection.
  • Better peripherals simulation error messaging (now added to diagnostics).
  • zxnext: Fixed stepping with ASSERTION at the same address. Stepping continued instead if ASSERTION was true.
  • Fixed: an error in displaying memory arrays inside STRUCTs.
  • When loading a .nex file the IM (interrupt mode) is set to 1 per default.
  • Improved label parsing for z80asm list file.
  • Coverage decoration now is half-transparent to allow that a selection is visible at the same time.

Code coverage for Windows

30 Aug 16:32
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Fixed #69: No code coverage on Windows.

Uncaught errors

21 Aug 08:57
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Fixes #65: Uncaught errors.


18 Aug 17:14
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  • Added "-addexpr/delexpr" command to add/remove expressions (variables/labels) to the VARIABLEs pane.
  • Added "-mvw" to display a memory viewer that display the memory organized in words instead of bytes.
  • Added "-msetb/w" command: See help ("-h"). With mset you can change single memory locations or fill a complete area.
  • Fix: register colors in memory views now also updated if the memory view is not focused.
  • Refactored/optimized variable references.
  • Disabled disturbing vscode's default debug inline values.
  • Added editor command "Disassembly at Cursor Position".
  • Removed ZesaruxExt as Remote.
  • Fixed #63: Help View: TOC is now scrollable.


25 Apr 13:24
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A few fixes for watching variables in the WATCH window:

  • Fixed #55: '??' in WATCH display
  • STRUCTs smaller than 3 bytes are now recognized in the WATCHes
  • Fixed #56: Watch doesn't support byte group above 2


13 Mar 18:00
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When loading a SNA file into the internal simulator (zsim) the SP was wrong by 2, i.e. 2 bytes too low.
This was fixed now.