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  • Day 1: Getting to know python
  • Day 2: What are modules, installing important libraries
  • Day 3: First program, common functions
  • Day 4: Python's Applications
  • Day 5: what are Pandas, Skikit-learn, NumPy
  • Day 6: Variables and Datatypes
  • Day 7: Typecasting
  • Day 8: String Slicing and Operations, Built-in Methods
  • Day 9: Greetings code=time method
  • Day 10: For Loop, While loop
  • Day 11: Break/Continue, Match Cases, Function & Arguments
  • Day 12: List and its Methods, Tuples, fstrings, Docstrings, Sets, Dictionary
  • Day 13: For loop with else, exception handling, raising custom errors, short hand if-else statement, enumerate, virtual environment
  • Day 14: Recursion, os module, file I/O, read, readlines, seek(), tell(), map, filter, reduce, lambda, decorators
  • Day 15: Practicing Pandas, NumPy