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An indexer for Path of Exile's Public Stash Tab API and additional tooling

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This project focuses on building tooling to gather and analyse data from Path of Exile's Public Stash Tab API (Wiki Documentation) and consists of the following crates:

  • stash-api - a library for consuming the Public Stash Tab API river
  • indexer - a service that saves API river snapshots to different sinks like RabbitMQ or S3
  • trade-ingest - a service that feeds data from indexer & RabbitMQ into a PostgreSQL (TimescaleDB) instance
  • trade-api - a service exposes a REST-like API to query player's trading offers from said PostgreSQL instance
  • stash-differ - a work-in-progress cli tool to generate diff events between stash snapshots to create a player trading behaviour dataset


Generally the workflow for running this project is:

  1. Create an .env.development from .env.template
  2. make config to instantiate all service configurations based on .env.development
  3. make build to build Docker images, as currently still necessary for some parts
  4. make up, starting everything as declared in docker-compose.yml

For a separate production setup, change the first steps:

  1. Create .env.production as you want
  2. Run ENV=production make config
  3. Run make build-prod to build production Docker images
  4. Run make up-prod to start production Docker containers

Local Dev Environment

Our docker-compose.yaml describes an examplatory (non-production) setup of the above tools for experimentation, which includes:

  • setup of the indexer service to start fetching and feed the data stream into a RabbitMQ instance
  • setup of the trade-ingest & trade-api services to consume above stream and expose it via its REST-like API, respectively
  • a PostgreSQL instance for trade-ingest to ingest and trade-api to read data from
  • a RabbitMQ instance for indexer to ingest new StashRecord batches into and trade-ingest to read data from
  • an OTLP setup (integrating with New Relic) to investigate metrics of the indexer, trade-ingest, trade-api and RabbitMQ services
  • exposes a reverse proxy setup via nginx to easily access all services

You may execute make up to start everything up and make logs to watch all logs. Check out Makefile for more command aliases.

Here is a list of services in this local development setup and and their credentials (username:password):