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Explore & Learn Math

One-stop place for math enthusiasts.

Mathdigilab is the place for learning & exploring mathematics for entrance exams, resources and recreational mathematics.

What you get on Mathdigilab?

  • Math resources (Academic & recreational Books, Magazines, links to useful websites and youtube channels).
  • Guides to Math competitions & entrance exams along with recommended course structures, resources, collaborative learning sessions & mock tests.
  • Weekly puzzles & problems to discover the joy of mathematics.
  • Personalized digital notes for college math courses downloadable in PDF format. {: .bg-grey-lt-000 .p-6 }

Latest on Mathdigilab

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  • JEE Advanced mathematics papers from 2017 to 2021. Checkout JEE Advaced page under math exams.
  • Added the latest issues of CURX Mathematicorum and Mathematical reflections. Checkout the Magazines page.
  • Mock Tests for ISI & CMI UG 2022 exams.
  • Podcast section featuring A brief history of Mathematics. {: .bg-grey-lt-000 .p-6 }

Math competitions & Entrance exams

Find all the strategies and get to know about different Math competitions & entrance exams along with recommended course structures, resources, collaborative learning sessions & mock tests.

Let's Enjoy Math!

Large number of people don't like math but here are some great puzzles, videos and links to all such Youtube channels, websites that believe Math is the most enjoyable subject. So, Let's enjoy math!.


Resources include books, lecture notes and digital platforms to learn mathematics.

College Math

College Math includes more abstract concepts and variety of topics such as Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, Real analysis, Vector Algebra, Odinary differential equations, etc. Discover your interests and you can also access my Notes!


When contributing to Mathdigilab, you contribute to the creators of this website and we reach a step further to promote mathematics in an enjoying way.

Become a contributor to Mathdigilab & top contributors every 3 months get their name listed below. Recurring contributors get access to Ebooks & giveaways!

Payment option

Payment must be sent to the UPI address given below. Please send me an email with the transaction number or a screenshot so that I can link your payment to your email ID. Thanks for contributing!

UPI Address: mathdigilab@dbs {: .bg-grey-lt-000 .p-6 }


  • Shreyas Kali
    Contact: [email protected]
    Copyright © 2021-2022 Mathdigilab. {: .bg-grey-lt-000 .p-6 }