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Massimo Nocentini edited this page Jan 13, 2020 · 1 revision

Bird and Wadler describe streams as either null or a pair with a stream in the tail:

α list :: null | α * α list

That works in a purely functional language such as Miranda or Haskell because the entire language is lazy. In an eager language like ML or Scheme, of course, it’s just a normal, eager list.

Using ML, Wadler, Taha and MacQueen give the type of even streams as:

datatype 'a stream_
  = Nil_
  | Cons_ of 'a * 'a stream
withtype 'a stream = 'a stream_ susp;

Their susp type is similar to Scheme’s promise type. Since Scheme conflates the notions of record and type (the only way to create a new type disjoint from all other types is to create a record), it is necessary to distribute the suspension through the two constructors of the stream data type:

α stream
  :: (promise stream-null)
  |  (promise (α stream-pair))

α stream-pair
  :: α × (α stream)

That type captures the systematic suspension of recursive promises that is the essence of “streamness.” But it doesn’t quite work, because Scheme is eager rather than lazy, and both the car and the cdr of the stream are evaluated too early. So the final type of streams delays both the car and the cdr of the stream-pair:

α stream
  :: (promise stream-null)
  |  (promise (α stream-pair))

α stream-pair
  :: (promise α) × (promise (α stream))

The two outer promises, in the stream type, provide streams without memoization. The two inner promises, in the stream-pair type, add the memoization that is characteristic of streams in modern functional languages.

Lists provide seven primitive operations: the two constructors '() and cons, the type predicates list?, null? and pair?, and the accessors car and cdr for pairs. All other list operations can be derived from those primitives.

It would seem that the same set of primitives could apply to streams, but in fact one additional primitive is required. André van Tonder describes the reason in his discussion of the promise data type. The promises of R6RS are inadequate to support iterative algorithms because each time a promise is called iteratively it binds the old promise in the closure that defines the new promise (so the old promise can be forced later, if requested). However, in the case of iteration, the old promise becomes unreachable, so instead of creating a new promise that binds the old promise within, it is better to mutate the promise; that way, no space is wasted by the old promise.

Van Tonder describes this new promise type, and provides a recipe for its use: all constructors are wrapped with delay, all accessors are wrapped with force, and all function bodies are wrapped with lazy. Given the seven primitives above, the first two parts of van Tonder’s recipe are simple: the two constructors stream-null and stream-pair hide delay, and the two accessors stream-car and stream-cdr hide force (stream-null? and stream-pair? also hide force, so they can distinguish the two constructors of the stream type).

Although the new promise type prevents a space leak, it creates a new problem: there is no place to hide the lazy that is the third part of van Tonder’s recipe. SRFI-40 solved this problem by exposing it (actually, it exposed delay, which was incorrect). But that violates good software engineering by preventing the stream data type from being fully abstract. The solution of SRFI-41 is to create a new primitive, stream-lambda, that returns a function that hides lazy.

Besides hiding lazy and making the types work out correctly, stream-lambda is obvious and easy-to-use for competent Scheme programmers, especially when augmented with the syntactic sugar of define-stream and named stream-let. The alternative of exposing stream-lazy would be less clear and harder to use.

One of the hardest tasks when writing any program library is to decide what to include and, more importantly, what to exclude. One important guideline is minimalism, since once an operator enters a library it must remain forever: Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n’y a plus rien à retrancher.

Since streams are substantially slower than lists (the stream primitives require numerous type conversions, and list operations in most Scheme implementations are heavily optimized), most programmers will use streams only when the sequence of elements is truly infinite (such as mathematical series) or when there is some clear advantage of laziness (such as reducing the number of passes though a large data set). Thus, the library is biased toward functions that work with infinite streams left-to-right. In particular, there is no right-fold; if you need to materialize an entire stream, it’s best to use a list.

Implementation of (streams primitive)

(library (streams primitive)

  (export stream-null stream-cons stream? stream-null? stream-pair?
          stream-car stream-cdr stream-lambda)

  (import (rnrs) (rnrs mutable-pairs))

  (define-record-type (stream-type make-stream stream?)
    (fields (mutable box stream-promise stream-promise!)))

  (define-syntax stream-lazy
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((stream-lazy expr)
          (cons 'lazy (lambda () expr))))))

  (define (stream-eager expr)
      (cons 'eager expr)))

  (define-syntax stream-delay
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((stream-delay expr)
        (stream-lazy (stream-eager expr)))))

  (define (stream-force promise)
    (let ((content (stream-promise promise)))
      (case (car content)
        ((eager) (cdr content))
        ((lazy)  (let* ((promise* ((cdr content)))
                        (content  (stream-promise promise)))
                   (if (not (eqv? (car content) 'eager))
                       (begin (set-car! content (car (stream-promise promise*)))
                              (set-cdr! content (cdr (stream-promise promise*)))
                              (stream-promise! promise* content)))
                   (stream-force promise))))))

  (define stream-null (stream-delay (cons 'stream 'null)))

  (define-record-type (stream-pare-type make-stream-pare stream-pare?)
    (fields (immutable kar stream-kar) (immutable kdr stream-kdr)))

  (define (stream-pair? obj)
    (and (stream? obj) (stream-pare? (stream-force obj))))

  (define (stream-null? obj)
    (and (stream? obj)
         (eqv? (stream-force obj)
               (stream-force stream-null))))

  (define-syntax stream-cons
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((stream-cons obj strm)
        (stream-eager (make-stream-pare (stream-delay obj) (stream-lazy strm))))))

  (define (stream-car strm)
    (cond ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream-car "non-stream"))
          ((stream-null? strm) (error 'stream-car "null stream"))
          (else (stream-force (stream-kar (stream-force strm))))))

  (define (stream-cdr strm)
    (cond ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream-cdr "non-stream"))
          ((stream-null? strm) (error 'stream-cdr "null stream"))
          (else (stream-kdr (stream-force strm)))))

  (define-syntax stream-lambda
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((stream-lambda formals body0 body1 ...)
        (lambda formals (stream-lazy (let () body0 body1 ...)))))))

Implementation of (streams derived)

(library (streams derived)

  (export stream-null stream-cons stream? stream-null? stream-pair? stream-car
          stream-cdr stream-lambda define-stream list->stream port->stream stream
          stream->list stream-append stream-concat stream-constant stream-drop
          stream-drop-while stream-filter stream-fold stream-for-each stream-from
          stream-iterate stream-length stream-let stream-map stream-match _
          stream-of stream-range stream-ref stream-reverse stream-scan stream-take
          stream-take-while stream-unfold stream-unfolds stream-zip)

  (import (rnrs) (streams primitive))

  (define-syntax define-stream
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((define-stream (name . formal) body0 body1 ...)
        (define name (stream-lambda formal body0 body1 ...)))))

  (define (list->stream objs)
    (define list->stream
      (stream-lambda (objs)
        (if (null? objs)
            (stream-cons (car objs) (list->stream (cdr objs))))))
    (if (not (list? objs))
        (error 'list->stream "non-list argument")
        (list->stream objs)))

  (define (port->stream . port)
    (define port->stream
      (stream-lambda (p)
        (let ((c (read-char p)))
          (if (eof-object? c)
              (stream-cons c (port->stream p))))))
    (let ((p (if (null? port) (current-input-port) (car port))))
      (if (not (input-port? p))
          (error 'port->stream "non-input-port argument")
          (port->stream p))))

  (define-syntax stream
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((stream) stream-null)
      ((stream x y ...) (stream-cons x (stream y ...)))))

  (define (stream->list . args)
    (let ((n (if (= 1 (length args)) #f (car args)))
          (strm (if (= 1 (length args)) (car args) (cadr args))))
      (cond ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream->list "non-stream argument"))
            ((and n (not (integer? n))) (error 'stream->list "non-integer count"))
            ((and n (negative? n)) (error 'stream->list "negative count"))
            (else (let loop ((n (if n n -1)) (strm strm))
                    (if (or (zero? n) (stream-null? strm))
                        (cons (stream-car strm) (loop (- n 1) (stream-cdr strm)))))))))

  (define (stream-append . strms)
    (define stream-append
      (stream-lambda (strms)
        (cond ((null? (cdr strms)) (car strms))
              ((stream-null? (car strms)) (stream-append (cdr strms)))
              (else (stream-cons (stream-car (car strms))
                                 (stream-append (cons (stream-cdr (car strms)) (cdr strms))))))))
    (cond ((null? strms) stream-null)
          ((exists (lambda (x) (not (stream? x))) strms)
            (error 'stream-append "non-stream argument"))
          (else (stream-append strms))))

  (define (stream-concat strms)
    (define stream-concat
      (stream-lambda (strms)
        (cond ((stream-null? strms) stream-null)
              ((not (stream? (stream-car strms)))
                (error 'stream-concat "non-stream object in input stream"))
              ((stream-null? (stream-car strms))
                (stream-concat (stream-cdr strms)))
              (else (stream-cons
                      (stream-car (stream-car strms))
                        (stream-cons (stream-cdr (stream-car strms)) (stream-cdr strms))))))))
    (if (not (stream? strms))
        (error 'stream-concat "non-stream argument")
        (stream-concat strms)))

  (define stream-constant
    (stream-lambda objs
      (cond ((null? objs) stream-null)
            ((null? (cdr objs)) (stream-cons (car objs) (stream-constant (car objs))))
            (else (stream-cons (car objs)
                               (apply stream-constant (append (cdr objs) (list (car objs)))))))))

  (define (stream-drop n strm)
    (define stream-drop
      (stream-lambda (n strm)
        (if (or (zero? n) (stream-null? strm))
            (stream-drop (- n 1) (stream-cdr strm)))))
    (cond ((not (integer? n)) (error 'stream-drop "non-integer argument"))
          ((negative? n) (error 'stream-drop "negative argument"))
          ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream-drop "non-stream argument"))
          (else (stream-drop n strm))))

  (define (stream-drop-while pred? strm)
    (define stream-drop-while
      (stream-lambda (strm)
        (if (and (stream-pair? strm) (pred? (stream-car strm)))
            (stream-drop-while (stream-cdr strm))
    (cond ((not (procedure? pred?)) (error 'stream-drop-while "non-procedural argument"))
          ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream-drop-while "non-stream argument"))
          (else (stream-drop-while strm))))

  (define (stream-filter pred? strm)
    (define stream-filter
      (stream-lambda (strm)
        (cond ((stream-null? strm) stream-null)
              ((pred? (stream-car strm))
                (stream-cons (stream-car strm) (stream-filter (stream-cdr strm))))
              (else (stream-filter (stream-cdr strm))))))
    (cond ((not (procedure? pred?)) (error 'stream-filter "non-procedural argument"))
          ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream-filter "non-stream argument"))
          (else (stream-filter strm))))

  (define (stream-fold proc base strm)
    (cond ((not (procedure? proc)) (error 'stream-fold "non-procedural argument"))
          ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream-fold "non-stream argument"))
          (else (let loop ((base base) (strm strm))
                  (if (stream-null? strm)
                      (loop (proc base (stream-car strm)) (stream-cdr strm)))))))

  (define (stream-for-each proc . strms)
    (define (stream-for-each strms)
      (if (not (exists stream-null? strms))
          (begin (apply proc (map stream-car strms))
                 (stream-for-each (map stream-cdr strms)))))
    (cond ((not (procedure? proc)) (error 'stream-for-each "non-procedural argument"))
          ((null? strms) (error 'stream-for-each "no stream arguments"))
          ((exists (lambda (x) (not (stream? x))) strms)
            (error 'stream-for-each "non-stream argument"))
          (else (stream-for-each strms))))

  (define (stream-from first . step)
    (define stream-from
      (stream-lambda (first delta)
        (stream-cons first (stream-from (+ first delta) delta))))
    (let ((delta (if (null? step) 1 (car step))))
      (cond ((not (number? first)) (error 'stream-from "non-numeric starting number"))
            ((not (number? delta)) (error 'stream-from "non-numeric step size"))
            (else (stream-from first delta)))))

  (define (stream-iterate proc base)
    (define stream-iterate
      (stream-lambda (base)
        (stream-cons base (stream-iterate (proc base)))))
    (if (not (procedure? proc))
        (error 'stream-iterate "non-procedural argument")
        (stream-iterate base)))

  (define (stream-length strm)
    (if (not (stream? strm))
        (error 'stream-length "non-stream argument")
        (let loop ((len 0) (strm strm))
          (if (stream-null? strm)
              (loop (+ len 1) (stream-cdr strm))))))

  (define-syntax stream-let
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((stream-let tag ((name val) ...) body1 body2 ...)
       ((letrec ((tag (stream-lambda (name ...) body1 body2 ...))) tag) val ...))))

  (define (stream-map proc . strms)
    (define stream-map
      (stream-lambda (strms)
        (if (exists stream-null? strms)
            (stream-cons (apply proc (map stream-car strms))
                         (stream-map (map stream-cdr strms))))))
    (cond ((not (procedure? proc)) (error 'stream-map "non-procedural argument"))
          ((null? strms) (error 'stream-map "no stream arguments"))
          ((exists (lambda (x) (not (stream? x))) strms)
            (error 'stream-map "non-stream argument"))
          (else (stream-map strms))))

  (define-syntax stream-match
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((stream-match strm-expr clause ...)
        (let ((strm strm-expr))
            ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream-match "non-stream argument"))
            ((stream-match-test strm clause) => car) ...
            (else (error 'stream-match "pattern failure")))))))

  (define-syntax stream-match-test
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((stream-match-test strm (pattern fender expr))
        (stream-match-pattern strm pattern () (and fender (list expr))))
      ((stream-match-test strm (pattern expr))
        (stream-match-pattern strm pattern () (list expr)))))

  (define-syntax stream-match-pattern 
    (lambda (x)
      (define (wildcard? x)
        (and (identifier? x)
             (free-identifier=? x (syntax _))))
      (syntax-case x () 
        ((stream-match-pattern strm () (binding ...) body)
          (syntax (and (stream-null? strm) (let (binding ...) body))))
        ((stream-match-pattern strm (w? . rest) (binding ...) body)
          (wildcard? #'w?) 
          (syntax (and (stream-pair? strm)
                       (let ((strm (stream-cdr strm)))
                         (stream-match-pattern strm rest (binding ...) body)))))
        ((stream-match-pattern strm (var . rest) (binding ...) body)
          (syntax (and (stream-pair? strm)
                       (let ((temp (stream-car strm)) (strm (stream-cdr strm))) 
                         (stream-match-pattern strm rest ((var temp) binding ...) body)))))
        ((stream-match-pattern strm w? (binding ...) body)
          (wildcard? #'w?)
          (syntax (let (binding ...) body)))
        ((stream-match-pattern strm var (binding ...) body) 
          (syntax (let ((var strm) binding ...) body))))))

  (define-syntax stream-of
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((_ expr rest ...)
        (stream-of-aux expr stream-null rest ...))))

  (define-syntax stream-of-aux
    (syntax-rules (in is)
      ((stream-of-aux expr base)
        (stream-cons expr base))
      ((stream-of-aux expr base (var in stream) rest ...)
        (stream-let loop ((strm stream))
          (if (stream-null? strm)
              (let ((var (stream-car strm)))
                (stream-of-aux expr (loop (stream-cdr strm)) rest ...)))))
      ((stream-of-aux expr base (var is exp) rest ...)
        (let ((var exp)) (stream-of-aux expr base rest ...)))
      ((stream-of-aux expr base pred? rest ...)
        (if pred? (stream-of-aux expr base rest ...) base))))

  (define (stream-range first past . step)
    (define stream-range
      (stream-lambda (first past delta lt?)
        (if (lt? first past)
            (stream-cons first (stream-range (+ first delta) past delta lt?))
    (cond ((not (number? first)) (error 'stream-range "non-numeric starting number"))
          ((not (number? past)) (error 'stream-range "non-numeric ending number"))
          (else (let ((delta (cond ((pair? step) (car step)) ((< first past) 1) (else -1))))
                  (if (not (number? delta))
                      (error 'stream-range "non-numeric step size")
                      (let ((lt? (if (< 0 delta) < >)))
                        (stream-range first past delta lt?)))))))

  (define (stream-ref strm n)
    (cond ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream-ref "non-stream argument"))
          ((not (integer? n)) (error 'stream-ref "non-integer argument"))
          ((negative? n) (error 'stream-ref "negative argument"))
          (else (let loop ((strm strm) (n n))
                  (cond ((stream-null? strm) (error 'stream-ref "beyond end of stream"))
                        ((zero? n) (stream-car strm))
                        (else (loop (stream-cdr strm) (- n 1))))))))

  (define (stream-reverse strm)
    (define stream-reverse
      (stream-lambda (strm rev)
        (if (stream-null? strm)
            (stream-reverse (stream-cdr strm) (stream-cons (stream-car strm) rev)))))
    (if (not (stream? strm))
        (error 'stream-reverse "non-stream argument")
        (stream-reverse strm stream-null)))

  (define (stream-scan proc base strm)
    (define stream-scan
      (stream-lambda (base strm)
        (if (stream-null? strm)
            (stream base)
            (stream-cons base (stream-scan (proc base (stream-car strm)) (stream-cdr strm))))))
    (cond ((not (procedure? proc)) (error 'stream-scan "non-procedural argument"))
          ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream-scan "non-stream argument"))
          (else (stream-scan base strm))))

  (define (stream-take n strm)
    (define stream-take
      (stream-lambda (n strm)
        (if (or (stream-null? strm) (zero? n))
            (stream-cons (stream-car strm) (stream-take (- n 1) (stream-cdr strm))))))
    (cond ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream-take "non-stream argument"))
          ((not (integer? n)) (error 'stream-take "non-integer argument"))
          ((negative? n) (error 'stream-take "negative argument"))
          (else (stream-take n strm))))

  (define (stream-take-while pred? strm)
    (define stream-take-while
      (stream-lambda (strm)
        (cond ((stream-null? strm) stream-null)
              ((pred? (stream-car strm))
                (stream-cons (stream-car strm) (stream-take-while (stream-cdr strm))))
              (else stream-null))))
    (cond ((not (stream? strm)) (error 'stream-take-while "non-stream argument"))
          ((not (procedure? pred?)) (error 'stream-take-while "non-procedural argument"))
          (else (stream-take-while strm))))

  (define (stream-unfold mapper pred? generator base)
    (define stream-unfold
      (stream-lambda (base)
        (if (pred? base)
            (stream-cons (mapper base) (stream-unfold (generator base)))
    (cond ((not (procedure? mapper)) (error 'stream-unfold "non-procedural mapper"))
          ((not (procedure? pred?)) (error 'stream-unfold "non-procedural pred?"))
          ((not (procedure? generator)) (error 'stream-unfold "non-procedural generator"))
          (else (stream-unfold base))))

  (define (stream-unfolds gen seed)
    (define (len-values gen seed)
        (lambda () (gen seed))
        (lambda vs (- (length vs) 1))))
    (define unfold-result-stream
      (stream-lambda (gen seed)
          (lambda () (gen seed))
          (lambda (next . results)
            (stream-cons results (unfold-result-stream gen next))))))
    (define result-stream->output-stream
      (stream-lambda (result-stream i)
        (let ((result (list-ref (stream-car result-stream) (- i 1))))
          (cond ((pair? result)
                    (car result)
                    (result-stream->output-stream (stream-cdr result-stream) i)))
                ((not result)
                  (result-stream->output-stream (stream-cdr result-stream) i))
                ((null? result) stream-null)
                (else (error 'stream-unfolds "can't happen"))))))
    (define (result-stream->output-streams result-stream)
      (let loop ((i (len-values gen seed)) (outputs '()))
        (if (zero? i)
            (apply values outputs)
            (loop (- i 1) (cons (result-stream->output-stream result-stream i) outputs)))))
    (if (not (procedure? gen))
        (error 'stream-unfolds "non-procedural argument")
        (result-stream->output-streams (unfold-result-stream gen seed))))

  (define (stream-zip . strms)
    (define stream-zip
      (stream-lambda (strms)
        (if (exists stream-null? strms)
            (stream-cons (map stream-car strms) (stream-zip (map stream-cdr strms))))))
    (cond ((null? strms) (error 'stream-zip "no stream arguments"))
          ((exists (lambda (x) (not (stream? x))) strms)
            (error 'stream-zip "non-stream argument"))
          (else (stream-zip strms)))))

Implementation of (streams)

(library (streams)

  (export stream-null stream-cons stream? stream-null? stream-pair? stream-car
          stream-cdr stream-lambda define-stream list->stream port->stream stream
          stream->list stream-append stream-concat stream-constant stream-drop
          stream-drop-while stream-filter stream-fold stream-for-each stream-from
          stream-iterate stream-length stream-let stream-map stream-match _
          stream-of stream-range stream-ref stream-reverse stream-scan stream-take
          stream-take-while stream-unfold stream-unfolds stream-zip)

  (import (streams primitive) (streams derived)))