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Provide a reusable web service to search for concepts from an existing SKOS taxonomy.

  • Provide a suggestion/auto-completion from a list of concepts indexed
  • Search for concepts from their names
  • Get a concept by its identifier

Quick installation and running

Requires Java (version 6+) and Maven (version 2+).

Run mvn clean package at the root of the project. This will build a "fat" JAR (shaded JAR containing all its dependencies).

You can start the application by running the following command at the root of the project:

java -jar target/skos-suggester-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server src/main/resources/configuration.yml

(This assumes that you have set up your configuration file at src/main/resources/configuration.yml, see src/main/resources/configuration.yml.example for a sample configuration.)

Importing a SKOS file

After having packaged the application, run:

java -jar target/skos-suggester-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar skosimport -f [path to your file] [path to your configuration file]
  • -f is the location of the SKOS RDF file to import
  • Use --format to override the default format (N-TRIPLES).

Alternatively, if you have a Jena TDB store instead of a file:

java -jar target/skos-suggester-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar tdbimport -d [path to the store] [path to your configuration file]

Automatically deploy the latest FAST topics

See (requires Fabric, see requirements.txt, install it using pip install -r requirements.txt).

To automatically import the latest FAST topics, use the following command:

fab ENV update_topics

The script assumes that unzip and tdbloader2 are installed.

Unit tests

Run at the root of the project:

mvn test

Load tests

Basic load testing has been done using Locust.

To run the load test, first install it using pip and then run:

locust --hostname ""

See at the root of the project for more information.


Build the image by running at the root of the repository (assuming you have installed):

docker build -t skos-solr .

Start the container by running:

docker run -d -p 8983:8983 skos-solr

Or alternatively, if you have fig installed, just run fig up.


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  • Java 97.7%
  • Python 2.3%