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Alt text BrowserStack Automate REST API .NET Client


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This repository contains a .NET client library/NuGet package for the BrowserStack Automate REST API.

Features include:

  • Querying the status of a BrowserStack Automate plan.
  • Querying the available browsers.
  • Querying and deleting builds.
  • Querying and deleting projects.
  • Querying and deleting sessions.
  • Querying session log.
  • Setting the status of a session.
  • Regenerating the API access key.

The assembly supports .NET Standard 2.0.


dotnet add package MartinCostello.BrowserStack.Automate

Usage Examples

The following example shows a custom [Fact] that checks for an available BrowserStack Automate session before running the test, otherwise it is skipped.

namespace MyApp.Tests;

using MartinCostello.BrowserStack.Automate;
using Xunit;

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)]
public sealed class RequiresBrowserStackAutomateAttribute : FactAttribute
    public RequiresBrowserStackAutomateAttribute()
        var userName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BrowserStack_UserName");
        var accessKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BrowserStack_AccessKey");

        if (userName is not null && accessKey is not null)
            using var client = new BrowserStackAutomateClient(userName, accessKey);
            var plan = client.GetStatusAsync().Result;

            if (plan.MaximumAllowedParallelSessions < 1 ||
                plan.ParallelSessionsRunning == plan.MaximumAllowedParallelSessions)
                Skip = "No BrowserStack Automate sessions are currently available.";
            Skip = "No BrowserStack Automate credentials are available.";


Any feedback or issues can be added to the issues for this project in GitHub.


The repository is hosted in GitHub:


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Building and Testing

To build and test the assembly run one of the following set of commands:

$env:BrowserStack_UserName  = "MyUserName"
$env:BrowserStack_AccessKey = "MyAccessKey"

If you do not have a BrowserStack Automate access key you can still just run the build script and the integration tests that require credentials will be skipped.