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A stock fetching API, with a little microservice architecture.

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Express-Nest Stocks API

This monorepo (Turborepo) project containing two separate Node.js applications: users-api and stocks-api, built using Nest.js and Express.js respectively, along with a shared package for exporting TypeScript types for type safety across the project. There's also a postgreSQL db for storing data.

The project utilizes PNPM workspaces for efficient package management, so be sure to have it installed.

Project Structure

Users API (Nest.js)

The users-api is handles users auth flow, queries Stocks API for stock and handles history and stats capabilities.

Stocks API (Express.js)

The stocks-api application receives calls from the Users API, queries the Stooq API, parses the response and return to Users API.

Shared Contract Package

The contract package just exports Typescript types to improve type safety across the project.


Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Node.js (>= version 18.x)
  • PNPM (>= version 9.x)
  • TypeScript (>= version 5.x)
  • Docker daemon


First of all, for the project to work:

  • Look for every ".env.*.example" file and remove the ".example" part

How to run in docker


docker compose up

App would be listening on http://localhost:3000.

How to run locally

  1. Install dependencies using PNPM (to install PNPM, follow the instructions in the official documentation):

    pnpm install
  2. Run from the root (be sure you have docker installed and running):

    pnpm dev
  3. App will run on port 3000 (http://localhost:3000/docs for swagger docs)

Running tests

Once the project is locally installed (first step of "How to run locally"), run from root:

  • For unit tests: pnpm test
  • For e2e tests: pnpm test:e2e