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An ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 token locker smart contract to keep them safe from the waifu thief Brad.

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Mare Bits Locker

Mare Bits Locker is a way to lock-up your ERC20, ERC721, or ERC1155 tokens and keep them safe from that waifu thief Brad. The contract issues a non-fungible token (NFT) that represents your deposit and allows whoever owns that token after a pre-determined length of time to withdraw the locked funds. Once locked, your tokens cannot be withdrawn until the lock period has expired no matter what. So, be careful!

This was created to facilitate the locking of liquidity tokens as part of the launch of Mare Bits ($MARE). For more information on that project, see In order to make the code easily reviewable by others, I've released it here.

This should work for all tokens that implement either the ERC20, ERC721, or ERC1155 interfaces, including ERC777.

In order to use the Mare Bits Locker, your wallet must have a $MARE balance greater than zero.


Here are the deployed contract addresses. Please note, Etherscan/Polygonscan make interacting with verified contracts very easy and all of these are verified. Click the link below, then click on Read Contract to get data and Write Contract to execute functions that modify the block chain (you will need a wallet like Metamask if you are using the Write Contract functions).

(If you wish to use the Ropsten contract and need $MARE, please send your wallet address to [email protected] and I will send you some.)

Using the deployed contracts

Interaction will primarily be with the Mare Bits Locker, Mare Bits Locker Account, and Mare Bits Locker Token contracts. The Mare Bits Vault contract just holds deposits and doesn't offer much public functionality.

Mare Bits Locker


accounts() returns (IMarebitsLockerAccount)
Returns the address associated with the Mare Bits Locker Account contract.
bestPony() returns (string)
Returns the best pony.
extendLock(uint256 accountId, uint64 unlockTime) returns (uint256)
Sets the lock time for account accountId to unlockTime (in seconds since UNIX epoch). The new unlock time must be greater than the existing unlock time for the account (will throw TimeOutOfBounds if not). Emits the TokensLocked event and returns the accountId when successful.
getAccount(uint256 accountId) returns (Account.Info)
Returns the account details for the account accountId. These details include the accountId, the amount of tokens locked, the tokenId of the token locked, the tokenContract address, the tokenType locked, the unlockTime, whether or not the locker token isBurned, and whether or not the locker token isRedeemed.
lockerToken() returns (IMarebitsLockerToken)
Returns the address associated with the Mare Bits Locker Token contract.
lockTokens(Token.Type tokenType, address tokenContract, uint256 tokenId, uint256 amount, uint64 unlockTime) returns (uint256)
Locks amount tokens of the tokenType token deployed at the tokenContract address with the token ID tokenId for a period represented by unlockTime (in seconds since UNIX epoch). The tokenId is ignored for ERC-20 tokens and the amount must be 1 for ERC-721 tokens. Emits the TokensLocked event and returns the newly created accountId when successful.
mareBitsToken() returns (IERC20)
Returns the address associated with the Mare Bits token contract. (This function is private in the Polygon contract.)
redeemToken(uint256 accountId)
Redeems the token for the account accountId, returning the locked tokens to the owner of accountId. This will throw a TimeOutOfBounds error if attempted before unlockTime has expired. Emits the TokenRedeemed event when successful.
supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) returns (bool)
See ERC-165.
vault() returns (IMarebitsVault)
Returns the address associated with the Mare Bits Vault contract.


TokensLocked(uint256 indexed accountId, address indexed owner, uint256 amount, address tokenContract, uint256 tokenId, Token.Type tokenType, uint64 unlockTime)
Emitted whenever a new locker is created or whenever the unlockTime for an existing locker has been extended.
TokenRedeemed(uint256 indexed accountId, address indexed owner, uint256 amount, address tokenContract, uint256 tokenId, Token.Type tokenType)
Emitted whenever a locker token is redeemed and the deposited tokens are returned to the owner.


InsufficientBalance(uint256 required, uint256 available)
Thrown when the required balance is less than the available balance.
InvalidAmount(string reason)
Thrown when an invalid amount is entered. The reason should contain the reason why the amount was invalid.
Thrown when called by an invalid caller (such as a contract instead of a real wallet).
InvalidTokenType(Token.Type tokenType)
Thrown when the tokenType is not valid. Must be 1 for ERC-1155, 2 for ERC-20, or 3 for ERC-721.
LockedAccount(uint64 expiresAt, uint64 currentTime)
Thrown when attempting to call redeemToken for an account that is still locked. expiresAt is the time when the lock expires (in seconds since UNIX epoch) and currentTime is the current block time stamp (in seconds since UNIX epoch).
NeedsMoreMARE(address wallet)
Thrown when someone attempts to interact with this contract who does not hodl $MARE. You must have a balance greater than 0.
NonexistentAccount(uint256 accountId)
Thrown when the account accountId doesn't exist.
NotTokenOwner(uint256 tokenId, address claimedOwner, address actualOwner)
Thrown when attempting to lock the token tokenId by claimedOwner when the actual owner is actualOwner.
TimeOutOfBounds(uint64 given, uint64 minimum, uint64 maximum)
Thrown when the given time does not fall within the range specified by minimum and maximum.
UnapprovedTokenTransfer(address tokenAddress, string approvalFunction)
Thrown when attempting to transfer tokens for token contract tokenAddress. The approvalFunction tells you what function needs to be run on the tokenAddress contract to approve the transfer.
Thrown when a zero amount is passed.

Mare Bits Locker Account

Data Types

Is an enumerated value represented internally as a uint8 where:
  • 0 means UNDEFINED
  • 1 means ERC-1155
  • 2 means ERC-20
  • 3 means ERC-721
Is a data structure (or object) with the following members:
uint256 accountId
The account ID
uint256 amount
The amount of tokens locked in the account
uint256 tokenId
The token ID for the tokens locked in the account (only meaningful for ERC-1155 and ERC-721 tokens, will be 0 for ERC-20 tokens)
address tokenContract
The address of the token contract for the locked tokens
uint64 unlockTime
The time after which the account token can be redeemed to withdraw the locked token balance (in seconds since UNIX epoch)
bool isBurned
True when the account token has been burned; otherwise, false
bool isRedeemed
True when the tokens locked by the account have been redeemed; otherwise, false


bestPony() returns (string)
Returns the best pony.
getAccount(uint256 accountId) returns (Account.Info)
Returns the account details for the account accountId. These details include the accountId, the amount of tokens locked, the tokenId of the token locked, the tokenContract address, the tokenType locked, the unlockTime, whether or not the locker token isBurned, and whether or not the locker token isRedeemed.
supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) returns (bool)
See ERC-165.


NonexistentAccount(uint256 accountId)
Thrown when the account accountId doesn't exist.

Mare Bits Locker Token

This contract represents the ERC-721 token issued when tokens are locked. As such, it extends all the functions and events from the ERC-721 specification.


approve(address to, uint256 tokenId)
Gives permission to to to transfer token tokenId to another account. The approval is cleared when the token is transferred. Only a single account can be approved at a time, so approving the zero address clears previous approvals. Emits an Approval event when successful.
balanceOf(address owner) returns (uint256)
Returns the number of Mare Bits Locker tokens held by address owner.
bestPony() returns (string)
Returns the best pony.
burn(uint256 tokenId)
Can only be called by the owner of the token tokenId or someone the owner has approved. This will burn the locker token, in effect sending it to the zero address. If this is called, the token will disappear and any tokens locked in the locker will be unredeemable! Emits a Transfer event when successful.
getApproved(uint256 tokenId) returns (address)
Returns the account approved to transfer token tokenId.
isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) returns (bool)
Returns true if the operator is allowed to manage all of the assets of owner.
name() returns (string)
Returns the general name of this token (Mare Bits Locker Token).
ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) returns (address)
Returns the address that owns the token tokenId.
safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)
Safely transfers token tokenId from from to to, checking first that contract recipients are aware of the ERC-721 protocol to prevent tokens from being forever locked. Emits a Transfer event when successful.
setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool _approved)
Approve or remove operator as an operator for the caller. Operators can call transferFrom or safeTransferFrom for any token owned by the caller. Emits an ApprovalForAll event when successful.
supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) returns (bool)
See ERC-165.
symbol() returns (string)
Returns the general symbol of this token (🐎‍♀️🔒🪙).
tokenByIndex(uint256 index) returns (uint256)
REturns a token ID at a given index of all Mare Bit Locker Tokens. Use along with totalSupply to enumerate all tokens.
tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address owner, uint256 index) returns (uint256)
Returns a token ID owned by owner at a given index of its token list. Use along with balanceOf to enumerate all of owner's tokens.
tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)
Returns the URI containing metadata for the token tokenId. This is used by sites to display metadata for this NFT.
totalSupply() returns (uint256)
Returns the total amount of Mare Bit Locker Tokens.
transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)
Transfers token tokenId from from to to. Emits a Transfer event when successful.


Approval(address owner, address approved, uint256 tokenId)
Emitted when owner enabled approved to manager the token tokenId.
ApprovalForAll(address owner, address operator, bool approved)
Emitted when owner enables or disables (approved) operator to manager all of its assets.
Transfer(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)
Emitted when token tokenId is transferred from from to to.
URI(string value, uint256 indexed id)
Emitted when the URI of the token id has changed to value.


NotApprovedOrOwner(uint256 tokenId)
Thrown when attempted to transfer a token the caller does not own or is not approved to transfer.
NotLockerOwner(address claimedOwner, address actualOwner)
Thrown when attempted to make a call that only the owner of this contract's owner can make.

Mare Bits Vault


bestPony() returns (string)
Returns the best pony.
onERC1155BatchReceived(address operator, address from, uint256[] ids, uint256[] values, bytes data) returns (bytes4)
Handles the receipt of multiple ERC-1155 token types. This function is called at the end of a safeBatchTransferFrom after the balances have been updated. It returns its Solidity selector to confirm the token transfers.
onERC1155Received(address operator, address from, uint256 id, uint256 value, bytes data) returns (bytes4)
Handles the receipt of a single ERC-1155 token type. This function is called at the end of a safeTransferFrom after the balance has been updated. It returns its Solidity selector to confirm the token transfer.
onERC721Received(address operator, address from, uint256 tokenId, bytes data) returns (bytes4)
Whenever an ERC-721 tokenId is transferred to this contract via safeTransferFrom by operator from from, this function is called. It returns its Solidity selector to confirm the token transfer.
supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) returns (bool)
See ERC-165.


An ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 token locker smart contract to keep them safe from the waifu thief Brad.







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