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Q: At least 1 paragraph description of what you have learned while completing this lab

In this lab we learned how to collect data from the Raspberry Pi and create a mini weather satation that reports light levels, temperature, and humidity values to a server. We used a Raspberry Pi to host a server and the local computer to host another server and send GET and POST requests to the Raspberry Pi. We also fained more experience developing RESTful APIs using FasATPI and display text on the LCD. We stored the weather data in a SQL database and displayed the data on the local computer server using Plotly JavaScript.

Q: At least 1 paragraph description of what challenges or issues you ran into

In this lab, encountered several challenges and issues, both in terms of hardware and software. On the hardware side, we initially had some trouble connecting the sensors correctly to the Raspberry Pi, as we needed to ensure proper wiring and alignment of the pins. Additionally, we faced occasional difficulties in obtaining accurate readings from the sensors as sometimes it would display inaccurate values so we had to replace Raspberry Pis. On the software side, creating data visualizations using Plotly JavaScript and was a learning curve.

Here is the link to the video:


Raspberry Pi Dynamic Weather Station for ECE 140B






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