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Mapbox Workshop

Arun Ganesh edited this page Oct 27, 2020 · 5 revisions

Mapbox Workshop

Maps as a powerful storytelling medium [20min]

The interactive map gives a comprehensive understanding of the geographical distribution of campaign funding

Technichal write up of how the team at Washington Post uses Mapbox to build their election maps

Visualizing the story of how change in mail in ballot box locations in Texas negatively impacts voters

Detailed interactive map of China's energy infrastructure gives a good understanding of the economic centres and industry that power up one of the most powerful economies in the world.

Visualizing the life of everyday people

Raising awareness of threads to protected areas of USA

Crafting a fun base map style for a yound audience

A fun map quiz to identify countries of the world

The art of maps: preparing a data source <> mapping data into a visual representation

Mapbox tools fits here -------------------------------------------^ when the data is ready to be visualized

Working with data [40min]

0. Basics of spatial data

  • Coordinate reference system/measurement system: eg. WGS84 (EPSG:4326), Web Mercator (EPSG:5432)
  • Coordinates: eg. longitude & latitude, x & y

1. Inspect and understand the data with

  • Upload geojson or csv
  • Inspect data tables for available properties
  • Add layer Choose a type of visualization bsed on data geometry: Polygon for area shapes, Point for point shapes
  • Set the data source for the layer and map style

2. Edit the data with map

3. Style the data with Mapbox Studio

4. Build a story

5. Customize with Mapbox GL JS