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Restcountries & Weather using fetch API This project utilizes the Fetch API to retrieve data from the Restcountries API and the OpenWeatherMap API. It allows users to select a country and view its current weather information along with some basic details about the country.

Features Fetches country data from Restcountries API. Fetches weather data from OpenWeatherMap API. Displays country information in Bootstrap cards.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS (Bootstrap for styling)
  • JavaScript (Fetch API with Promises)

Promises This project makes use of JavaScript Promises to handle asynchronous operations when fetching data from external APIs. Promises are utilized to ensure that the application waits for the data to be fetched before proceeding with displaying it on the page. By using Promises, the code remains organized and readable, and it efficiently manages asynchronous tasks without blocking the main thread.