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CDK and bicep sample code.



To connect to RDS, craft a tunnel via the bastion host:

aws ec2-instance-connect send-ssh-public-key \
    --instance-id <bastion-instance-id> \
    --instance-os-user ec2-user \
    --ssh-public-key file:///path/to/.ssh/
ssh -f -N -L 3307:<rds-hostname> ec2-user@<bastion-dns-name> -v

Then connect to:



Deploy the infra with

cdk deploy amplify

Check amplify.yml for details.

Verify the custom domain after the initial deployment in the AWS Console under Amplify.

The infra generates a CodeCommit repository. Add a git origin that points to the CodeCommit repo:

git remote add amplify codecommit::eu-west-1://amplify

Push to the origin to trigger a deployment:

git push amplify


The initial setup is not fully automated. First deploy with

cdk deploy opensearch
  1. OpenSearch creates a Lambda that streams CloudWatch logs to the domain. Assign the StreamingRole to the Lambda.
  2. To access the dashboard, create a user in the Opensearch Cognito user pool and log in.
  3. Follow the role mapping guidance in to add the StreamingRole as a backend role in OpenSearch Dashboards.
  4. Create an index pattern in OpenSearch Dashboards. The pattern is most likely cwl-* for CloudWatch Logs.

Azure with bicep

Install Azure CLI.

Create a resource group (unless you already have one):

az group create --name exampleRG --location northeurope

Deploy the resources to the resource group:

az deployment group create --resource-group exampleRG --template-file infra.bicep