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This program provide a command line for test and monitor each web service.


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Allow check WebService Soap and HTTP (REST API) and store result into File or influxDB.

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  • PHP 7.1+
  • PHP Curl Extension (with the curl.cainfo INI parameter defined)
  • PHP OpenSSL Extension (for HTTPS support)
  • PHP SOAP Extension (for SOAP support)
  • PHP XML Extension (for SOAP support)


Download Zip or git clone.

open terminal and install dependency

$ composer install -o

Windows install: The Appveyor CI build artfact contains an packaged PHP for each version with a configuration file php.ini-dist ready to use. You can use this for install and test out of box. Caution, the PHP version is not necessary the last, update it.


create file named webservices.yml in root folder.

This is the configuration reference :

        class: Mactronique\TestWs\WebServices\WsSoap # You can write your class for specified tests.
            # If you use the WsSoap class test, set this key with 'methodCall' value for use the '__soapCall' method in client. Set other value for call the specified function below.
            methodCall: byFunctionName
                # Set here all environement URL. For WsSoap, set the WSDL URL.
                prod: 'http://host_name/wsForMe.wsdl'
                # Set here the function do call over the SOAP web service
                    parameters1: value1
                    parameters2: value2
                # Set here the datas for HTTP WebService
                method: GET              # Or POST, PUT...
                mime: application/json   # Query mime
                datas: ~                 # Query body
                authorization: ~         # Authorisation Header Content
            response:                    # The data for evaluate the response.
                http_code: 200           # The HTTP Code need.
                server_header: SRV       # The name of header with the value can identify the server.
        # Exemple of persistance configuration for InfluxDB
            type: InfluxDB
            config:                      # Set the config for the driver
                host:          # Server name or IP
                port: 8086               # The TCP Port
                username: user_write     # The username
                password: *****          # The password for the user database
                ssl: false               # The connexion user SSL
                verifySSL: true          # Check Certificat
                timeout: 1.0             # Connection time out
                database: testws         # Database name
        # Exemple of persistance configuration for File
            type: File
                file: file.json          # Location for the destination file.


php ./TestWebService run [name]

If you omit the name, you run all defined tests.

Example :

php ./TestWebService run myWebServiceToTest

Retreive data from InfluxDb

You can use Grafana for display datas stored into InfluxDB database.


If you need help or if you have a bug or error, open an issue.

If you want a new feature or change a feature, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


I'm need feedback (good or bad) for your usage of this tool. You can send me your feed back by opening an issue.