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This repository provides distributed tracing wrapper libraries which we use in our company.

Aim of these libraries

  • Provide unified/tested sets of libraries
    • No need to load/maintain various contrib libraries
  • Provide high-level & simple interfaces over tracing standard APIs (e.g. OpenCensus)
    • No need to know details of APIs
    • Provide simple interfaces
    • Hide complicated object lifecycles of APIs (hide error prone things from you)

Non-goal of these libraries

  • Do not aim to provide agent, you need to activate/call these libraries explicitly
    • We do not prefer to use dynamic code rewriting / monkey patching
  • Do not aim to support all kinds of libraries in the world (HTTP client library, logging library, ...)
    • We focus on usecases or scenarios appearing in our work.
    • If you want to add any kinds of library support which is not supported by us, please feel free to fork this repository.

How to start


See jvm/README.


Feature matrix

Feature Java (core) Spring Play (Scala)
Supported runtime JRE >= 8 (since 2.x, JRE >= 17 supported) ( Same as Java ) ( Same as Java )
Capture incoming HTTP request Servlet >= 3.0.1 Spring Web Play ?.?
Capture & Propagate to outgoing HTTP request Commons HTTP client >= ?.?, async-http-client RestTemplate ?????? (Play)
Capture database call p6spy support for JDBC/RDBMS ( Same as Java ) ( Same as Java )
Multi-thread ( Custom context machanism ) ( Same as Java ) Future wrapper (Play)
Log correlation SLF4J, Log4j ( Same as Java ) ( Same as Java )
Capture method invocation method annotation AOP Play: ????
Dependency injection AutoConfiguration (Boot) ????

Summaries of each features are described below. Supplemental documents for each languages are provided to see how to use/enable them.

Feature: Capture incoming HTTP requests

A trace/span is automatically created for each incoming request.

Feature: Capture & Propagate to outgoing HTTP requests

  • The library creates one span for each outgoing request, which helps to know durations/summaries of your outgoing requests
  • This library adds Trace ID to outgoing HTTP requests
    • If destination service uses this library, we can trace requests over services (-> "distributed" tracing)

Feature: Capture database call

The library yields spans for each database call.

Feature: Multi-thread

The library wraps multi-thread (async) operations and propagate thread-bounded trace/span to threads.

Feature: Log correlation

You can output Trace ID in logs to distinguish which trace/span logs are related.

Feature: Capture any method invocation

You can capture method calls of your own classes.

Feature: Dependency injection

The library provides DI configuration so that you can get objects from DI context.

Note: Jakarta namespace support

Since 2.x, m3-tracing supports Jakarta namespace(Jakarta EE).