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Parser Combinators in C, version 11.


The first thing to remember when working with this code is the fact that many of the types are hidden pointers. object, list, parser, etc. are all pointers to a union object which has a specific struct inside depending on the specific subtype indicated by the tag t. The intent is to make C look simpler, like other dynamic languages with dynamically-typed variables. Using the power of the typedef to suppress extraneous detail and "abstract" away from too much low level information. So, treat all of these types as "references", using "reference semantics".

There is encapsulation, but no information hiding beyond the effort to supply convenient functions for common tasks. For the most part, the objects look and behave like local variables. You create them with a constructor, which you'll want to do because otherwise the boilerplate looks so heinous. And then just discard them. No deallocation or destructor to call. It's only in places where something tricky needs to happen that any of these objects will have the arrow -> operator applied to them to peek at the values in the union object. So, treat them like handles. It's a thing, with more stuff behind it. One important place where the "pointerness" of objects is significant is when creating loops in a parser graph using a forward() parser, discussed more below. Also in the treatment of suspensions which lazily manifest new content for an object by overwriting the union object data.

The second unique landmark to mention is the use of the "McIllroy convention" for include guards. In this style, the guards are placed around the #include directive. With dutiful adherence to this convention, the system achieves the same effect as #pragma once with the additional virtue that the preprocessor need not even look at the file a second time. The application layer code simply #includes the outermost header file for the suite of functions desired and the headers will include each other as necessary. Consequently, the outermost #include directive for a program doesn't need a guard. Avoid double inclusion at the top layer by simply not doing that, please.

The object module -- pc11object.h and pc11object.c -- defines and exports the smorgasbord of types of object and functions for constructing and manipulating objects.

Boolean objects

There are two global objects for the values of the stereotypical Lisp true/false type. The boolean subtype is a "virtual" or synthetic type with 2 possible elements, one of which is the symbol T, and the other is an invalid object which is also used as a sentinel to terminate lists.

extern object T_   /* = (union object[]){
                                          {.Symbol={SYMBOL, T, "T"}}
				    } + 1 */,
              NIL_ /* = (union object[]){ {.t=INVALID} } */;

valid() is a helpful function for using the boolean type in C conditions or otherwise checking that the object is in fact a pointer to something interesting.

/* Determine if object is non-NULL and non-NIL.
   Will also convert a boolean T_ or NIL_ to an integer 1 or 0.
static int
valid( object it ){
  return  it
  &&  it->t <  END_TAGS
  &&  it->t != INVALID;


Each of these constructors allocate and initialize a union object and yield the pointer to it.

integer    Int( int i );

boolean    Boolean( int b );

string     String( char *str, int disposable );

object     Void( void *pointer );

/* List of one element */
list       one( object it );

/* Join two elements togther. If rest is a list or NIL_, result is a list. */
list       cons( object first, object rest );

/* Join N elements together in a list */
#define LIST(...) \
  fold_array( cons, PP_NARG(__VA_ARGS__), (object[]){ __VA_ARGS__ } )

/* Macros capture printnames automatically for these constructors */

#define    Symbol( n ) \
           Symbol_( n, #n, NIL_ )
symbol     Symbol_( int code, const char *printname, object data );

#define    Suspension( env, f ) \
           Suspension_( env, f, __func__ )
suspension Suspension_( object env, fSuspension *f, const char *printname );

#define    Parser( env, f ) \
           Parser_( env, f, __func__ )
parser     Parser_( object env, fParser *f, const char *printname );

#define    Operator( env, f ) \
           Operator_( env, f, #f )
operator   Operator_( object env, fOperator *f, const char *printname );

There are three subtypes of operator: a "plain" operator, a predicate, or a binary operator. The three function types all have compatible prototypes, so for expediency all three use the same .Operator struct in the union object, and we rely upon "duck typing" to some degree to use the appropriate ones in appropriate places.


A list can mean a couple of different things. In all cases it designates an object whose tag is LIST (unless it's NIL: valid() will tell you) and contains pointers to first and rest objects. A proper list is a data format built out of list objects where the first pointer points to any type and is an element of the list, and rest pointer leads to the next LIST type node or NIL.

The same list data structure can also be used to build a binary tree by relaxing the requirement for the rest pointer to always be another list node. first and rest are exactly the car and cdr functions from Lisp, but with more readable names.


Symbol objects are constructed by passing an enum name to a macro that expands both the value yielded by evaluating the enum name as well as the enum name's string representation.

Symbol codes are allocated statically by defining each in an enum. The object module defines its internal symbol names and then the name END_OBJECT_SYMBOLS which the next module layer will use to start off its own range of enum codes.

enum object_symbol_codes {

These are considered "compile time" symbols, although constructing a symbol object happens dynamically, at run-time.

Symbol codes are also allocated dynamically, when calling the symbol_from_string function. This function searches through the allocation list for a Symbol object whose printname matches the string. If there is no such object found, then a new code is assigned in the space of negative integers below -1 (which == EOF).

There is obvious room for improvement in the efficiency of the dynamic symbols.

Function objects

parsers, operators, and suspensions contain a saved environment and a function pointer, as well as a printable string to hold the function's name.

Function objects are executed by calling the function pointer and passing it the saved environment as its first argument and any other input as its second argument. A supension function receives only its environment: there is no other input.

In the special cases of bind and into combinators, the right hand function will be called with a modified enviroment, supplemented to contain the definition (key.value) of the result of into's left hand parser.

Allocation of objects

All objects are allocated as an array of 2 union objects. The left one is used as an allocation record and uses the .Header member of the union object. The right one is the payload for the object. The object passed around and used everywhere is a pointer to this right hand side object. By making the allocation record the same size as any object (they're defined in the same union), I can do this simple pointer shenanigan without worrying about alignment issues.

The allocation records are linked together in a list with the head of the list pointed to by the static file scoped allocation_list. This variable and all of the next pointers in the headers point to the left hand side.

Presently, only the new_() and symbol_from_string() functions use this list. With a more efficient mechanism for dynamic names, this number will go down. With the introduction of a garbage collector, this number will go up.

For the needs of the potential garbage collector, the T symbol has a dummy allocation record so the potential mark function can twiddle its flag.


The parser module -- pc11parser.h and pc11parser.c defines the parser behavior and the combinators.

The Parser Combinators have been designed according to the plan from Graham Hutton's paper, "Higher Order Functions For Parsing" and influenced by the seminal work, "Recursive Programming Techniques" by Burge. The most basic parser, the "leaf" node in any parser graph is satisfy(predicate).

parser  satisfy( predicate pred );

When activated with a call to parse(), the satisfy parser forces one element off of the front of the (possibly lazy) input stream, then tests the element with the predicate: if true the parser succeeds, otherwise the parser fails.

A parser that succeeds will return a little cons tree.

( OK . ( <value> . <remainder of input> ) )

For the satisfy parser, the value is the input element itself. If the input stream was constructed with chars_from_str or chars_from_file, the element will be an integer object containing the character code in its payload.

A parser that fails will return a slightly different little cons tree.

( FAIL . ( <error message> . <remainder of input> ) )

The default error message from a failing satisfy parser is to print the name of the predicate that failed and a string saying "predicate failed".

The value portion of the result returned by any parser can be modified by binding the parser to an operator. The operator will be used to transform the value portion returned by a successful parse.

Parsers can be combined into a choice with the either or ANY combinators. Parsers can be combined into a sequence with the then or SEQ combinators. Two variants of then will delete the result from the left hand parser (xthen) or delete the result from the right hand parser (thenx). The special sequencing combinator into will make the result from the left hand parser available to the right hand parser (and importantly to its binded operator, if it has one) by defining the value in the right hand parser's environment with a specified key.

The ANY and SEQ combinators take advantage of the fact that a combinator whose signature is parser function( parser, parser ) is naturally compatible with object function( object, object ) and so it can be treated as a binary operator function for use with fold_list() or fold_array(). The implementation for ANY and SEQ mirrors the implementation of the LIST() macro which folds over an array using cons as the binary operator (since list is also compatible with object).

A few combinators provide optional repetitions. maybe succeeds if its child parser matches 0 or 1 times. many succeeds if its child parser matches 0 or more times. some succeeds if its child parser matches 1 or more times.

Two simple compilers can convert a regex to a parser or a block of ebnf definitions into an association list of (symbol.parser) pairs.

Parser symbols

The parser module defines a number of internal symbol names and provides the name END_PARSER_SYMBOLS for the next layer to create more unique symbol codes.

IO module

As an illustration of the power of the combinator approach, the task of creating a string-based DSL for formatted input and output can be modelled as a parsing exercise. The IO module -- pc11io.h and pc11io.c -- contains an implementation of a subset of printf() and scanf() named pprintf() and pscanf().

And for now, this is the outermost layer of the library. The IO module provides the name END_IO_SYMBOLS for the next layer to create more unique symbol codes.

Test module

The test module -- pc11test.h and pc11test.c illustrates simple usage of the list objects and parsers, building parsers from regexes, and using the ebnf compiler.


A decorator function parser z = probe( p, mode ); can provide feedback on what parser p is doing when z is run. mode == 1 will print out the (intermediate) result of a successful parse. mode == 2 will print out the (intermediate) failure result of a failed parse. mode == 3 will print both. mode == 0 just calls p and returns its result and doesn't print anything.

Similarly, if an operator attached with bind is having trouble massaging the desired result, try just calling print on its input to see what kind of object or list structure it was given.

print() will print out a representation for any object. It will print list structures with the Lisp "dot notation" showing all the list nodes and their first and rest parts separated by a '.'.

print_list() will print out a representation for any object as with print() (it calls print() directly for anything not a list). It will print a list structure with the Lisp "list notation" where a chain of list nodes linked together along their rest pointers will be printed simply with one opening parenthesis and one closing parenthesis.

Some additional behaviors of the print*() functions are controlled by file scoped static flags in pc11object.c such as whether to print integers as a decimal number or interpreted as an ascii character and presented in single quotes, or whether to print a symbol's code number as well as the symbol's name, or whether to dump the innards of a function object and print its environment in dot notation.

Building Recursive Parser Graphs

The parser constructed with forward() can be composed with then and either and then have its value filled in by the resulting "higher level" parser. This creates a loop in the parser graph. Take care not to build a graph with left recursion or the recursive descent parsing algorithm will become locked in an infinite unproductive loop.

For examples of using forward() to build loops, see the implementations of the many combinator and the regex_grammar() and ebnf_grammar() functions in pc11parser.c.

To avoid infinite recursion, the print() function will refuse to print the innards of a parser created with forward() -- even after its value has been overwritten -- and will display only its printname.

Building Concrete Syntax Trees (CST)

Since the behavior of then is to merge the values from the left and right parsers into a list, the default behavior of any graph of parsers is to yield a flat list of all matched input elements (excluding those deleted by xthen or thenx). In order to introduce any substructure to this list, it is necessary to use bind to transform the values yielded by certain parsers.

A simple operator function like

static list
encapsulate( object env, object input ){
    return  one( input );

will enclose the value by wrapping an additional list structure around it when binded to a parser. If this parser is combined as a child of then, the default merging of results will leave this substructure unmolested. So, by peppering a parser graph with calls to

bind( <parser>, Operator( NIL_, encapsulate ) )

one can wrap any desired grammatical parts of the input in its own sub-list, building a tree with N-way branching.

Or this task could be factored into a new decorator.

static parser
enclose( parser p ){
    return  bind( p, Operator( NIL_, encapsulate ) );

And then pepper the parser graph with calls to

enclose( <parser> )

which is shorter if you're gonna do it a lot.

Separating The Lexer and Parser passes

You can fashion a parser into a syntax directed compiler for the tokens of a language generating a list of symbols. By following the model of chars_from_str() this list could be supplied lazily by a function that yields one token at a time.

A syntax directed compiler is made by constructing a parser graph by composing parsers with combinators, and have this graph peppered with calls to bind(). The attached operators must accept an integer or list of integers and yield the desired artifact. For the present case of a tokenizer, these artifacts will be symbol objects. After a symbol is constructed by a call to its constructor Symbol() or Symbol_(), it has an extra object data pointer inside of the .Symbol struct in the union object. You can stash any extra info you like in the symbol's ->data. It will be invisible to the syntax analysis layer.

Then the syntax analysis layer can be constructed to recognize symbols as its input elements. You will need to write predicates which call eq_symbol to check symbol codes, and call satisfy() to produce parsers from the predicates, and populate an enum with all necessary symbol codes. The first enum name ought to be initialized to the END_*_SYMBOLS name from the outermost layer of the library that is used.