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Add docker support for a Strapi Project with ease 🚀

Strapi Discord NPM Version Monthly download on NPM

Table of Contents

🚦 Current Status

This package is currently under development and should be consider BETA in terms of state. I/We are currently accepting contributions and/or dedicated contributors to help develop and maintain this package.

For more information on contributing please see the contrib message below.

✨ Usage

npx @strapi-community/dockerize

You can also call it directly with arguments

npx @strapi-community/dockerize new --dbclient=mysql --dbhost=localhost --dbport=1234 --dbname=strapi --dbusername=strapi --dbpassword=strapi --projecttype=js --packagemanager=yarn --usecompose=false --env=both

🤖 Using CLI Arguments

Please note the new keyword is required for this to take effect.

npx @strapi-community/dockerize new
| 💻 Command     | 💬 Value                                | 🦄 Type | 🐲 Default    |
| -------------- | --------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------- |
| projectname    |                                         | String  | `mystrapi`    |
| dbclient       | `postgres` \| `mysql` \| `mariadb`      | String  | `postgres`    |
| dbhost         |                                         | String  | `localhost`   |
| dbport         | `5432` \| `3306`                        | Number  | `5432`        |
| dbname         |                                         | String  | `strapi`      |
| dbusername     |                                         | String  | `strapi`      |
| dbpassword     |                                         | String  |               |
| projecttype    | `ts` \| `js`                            | String  | `js`          |
| packagemanager | `yarn` \| `npm`                         | String  | `yarn`        |
| usecompose     | `true` \| `false`                       | Boolean | `false`       |
| env            | `development` \| `production` \| `both` | String  | `development` |

🧹 Resetting project

@strapi-community/dockerize reset

Note that RESET will delete the config/env folder with all of it's content

🚀 Features

  • Easy add support for docker
  • Auto detects yarn or npm in your project
  • Build a docker-compose file

🐳 Docker-compose support

  • Postgres 12
  • MySQL 5.7
  • MariaDB

🎗 Contributing

I/We are actively looking for contributors, maintainers, and others to help shape this package. As this plugins sole purpose within the Strapi community is to be used by other developers and plugin maintainers to get fast responses time.

If interested please feel free to email the lead maintainer Simen at: [email protected] or ping Cookie Monster#6725 on Discord.

⭐️ Show your support

Give a star if this project helped you.

🔗 Links

🌎 Community support

🙋‍♀️ Authors

🔖 License

See the LICENSE file for licensing information.


Strapi v4 dockerization







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  • JavaScript 82.1%
  • Liquid 17.9%