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OpenVPN + Pi-Hole +Docker-Compose

Projects Used:

Setup / Initialization

There is setup the user must do prior to using this, as follows:

  • Pi-Hole
  • OpenVPN
    • Server
    • Client


I came to this with a pre-configured pi-hole, so you'll want to go through that inside an Ubuntu container (note: you may need to hack up its install script to work around some containerization limitations) or outside. Copy the configuration to ./pihole/pihole directory. Note that the provided seupVars.conf and 01-pihole.conf are for reference only.

Next, edit .env file, such as the PIHOLE_WEBPW setting.


There are two things to do for OpenVPN, the server settings and then clients.

The server can follow the setup for the upstream docker-openvpn project for both client and server.

In brief, however the steps are to configure the server and then clients. By way of disclaimer, @lisa came to the containerization of her configuration with a "bare metal" installation so the steps are not guaranteed. Refer to the upstream project for more thorough explanation.

In the documentation the VPN endpoint (that is, where clients connect) is The client will be called client. The VPN client range will be with the inside-docker network device as tun1.

OpenVPN Server

WARNING: This configuration will route ALL traffic over the VPN.

  1. Initialize the configuration with

     docker-compose run --rm openvpn ovpn_genconfig -u -N -z -d -s -p "remote-gateway" -n
  2. Initialize the server's crypto (PKI) and when prompted, provide passphrases and then the VPN endpoint, (for "Common Name").

     docker-compose run --rm openvpn ovpn_initpki

OpenVPN Client

  1. Create a client certificate, providing the passphrases as appropriate during server configuration.

     docker-compose run --rm openvpn easyrsa build-client-full client
  2. Obtain the client configuration

     docker-compose run --rm openvpn ovpn_getclient client > client.ovpn

The client configuration can be distributed to the client at this time.

Controlling the Composition

Start the stack with docker-compose up -d once all configuration steps are complete, and stop via docker-compose down.


This repository is provided "as-is" and without any warranty. It may cause data loss, or due to misconfiguration cause your software to be exposed to the Internet. By using the software you assume all risks.


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