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[v2.0.0] (previously v7) - 2020-08-13

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@atrakh atrakh released this 13 Aug 20:32

ℹ️ This release includes breaking changes to the GitHub action. If you experience errors or unexpected behavior after upgrading, be sure to read these changelog notes carefully to make adjustments for any breaking changes.


  • When flags with no code references are detected, the action will search Git commit history to detect when the last reference to a feature flag was removed. Use the lookback parameter to configure the number of commits you would like to search. The lookback will start at the current commit and will review up to the last n commits to find the last reference of the flag. The default is 10 commits. Your Git checkout must include the fetch-depth parameter (see the example) for this new functionality to work.
  • The pull_request event is now supported.


  • Exclude negations in .ldignore (lines beginning with an exclamation mark) now correctly include files.
