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How to automate OCP 4.7 UPI Installation on Vsphere and assign Static IPs to Nodes


In this post we will show how to automate an customize an OCP 4.7 UPI installation on Vsphere. In the first part we will use govc,an open source command-line utility for performing administrative actions on a VMware vCenter or vSphere and in the second part we will deploy the cluster with Terraform.


DNS, Loadbalancer and Webserver

Use the provided templates in files folder to configure the required services

dnf install -y named httpd haproxy
mkdir -p  /var/www/html/ignition

Download necessary binaries

We need to install govc client, oc client and ocp installer and Terraform. This is how we proceed

tar zxvf openshift-client-linux.tar.gz
tar zxvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
gunzip govc_linux_amd64.gz
rm -f *gz
mv oc kubectl openshift-install /usr/local/bin/
mv govc_linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/govc
dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core
dnf config-manager --add-repo$release/hashicorp.repo
dnf install terraform -y

Part I

Automating with govc:

Export variables for govc (modify according to your env)

export OCP_RELEASE="4.7.4"
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN="vmware.lab.local"
export GOVC_URL=''
export GOVC_USERNAME='[email protected]'
export GOVC_PASSWORD='vSphere Pass'
export GOVC_NETWORK='VM Network'
export VMWARE_SWITCH='DSwitch'
export GOVC_DATASTORE='datastore1'
export GOVC_DATACENTER='Datacenter'
export GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL=yourcluster_name/Resources  ####default pool
export MYPATH=$(pwd)
export HTTP_SERVER=""
export bootstrap_name="bootstrap"
export bootstrap_ip=""

export HTTP_SERVER=""
export master_name="master"
export master1_ip=""
export master2_ip=""
export master3_ip=""

export worker_name="worker"
export worker1_ip=""
export worker2_ip=""
export worker3_ip=""

export MASTER_CPU="4"
export MASTER_MEMORY="16384"   
export WORKER_CPU="4"
export WORKER_MEMORY="16384"

export ocp_net_gw=""
export ocp_net_mask=""
export ocp_net_dns=""

Create ignition files

Modify install-config.yaml according to your needs. Because bootstrap ignition is too big, it needs to be placed on a webserver and downloaded during the first boot. To achieve that, we create bootstrap-append.ign that points to the right file

rm -f /var/www/html/ignition/*.ign
rm -rf ${MYPATH}/openshift-install
rm -rf ~/.kube
mkdir ${MYPATH}/openshift-install
mkdir ~/.kube
cp install-config.yaml ${MYPATH}/openshift-install/install-config.yaml
cat > ${MYPATH}/openshift-install/bootstrap-append.ign <<EOF
  "ignition": {
    "config": {
      "merge": [
        "source": "http://${HTTP_SERVER}:8080/ignition/bootstrap.ign"
    "version": "3.1.0"
openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir  openshift-install --log-level debug
cp ${MYPATH}/openshift-install/*.ign /var/www/html/ignition/
chmod o+r /var/www/html/ignition/*.ign
restorecon -vR /var/www/html/
cp ${MYPATH}/openshift-install/auth/kubeconfig ~/.kube/config

Prepare CoreOS template

Before downloading the ova we create coreos.json to modify Network mapping (Make sure GOVC_NETWORK is properly defined )

cat > coreos.json <<EOF
"DiskProvisioning": "flat",
"IPAllocationPolicy": "dhcpPolicy",
"IPProtocol": "IPv4",
"PropertyMapping": [
 "Key": "",
 "Value": ""
 "Key": "",
 "Value": ""
"NetworkMapping": [
 "Name": "VM Network",
 "Network": "${GOVC_NETWORK}"
"MarkAsTemplate": false,
"PowerOn": false,
"InjectOvfEnv": false,
"WaitForIP": false,
"Name": null

We can now download the image, apply the changes, import, tag the resulting VM as template and finaly create the bootsrap VM out of this template

govc import.ova -options=coreos.json -name coreostemplate rhcos-vmware.x86_64.ova
govc vm.markastemplate coreostemplate
govc vm.clone -vm coreostemplate  -on=false  bootstrap

IGN files need to be provided to Vsphere instance through We need to encode it in base64 before anything and change the previously created bootstrap VM:

bootstrap=$(cat openshift-install/append-bootstrap.ign | base64 -w0)
govc vm.change -e="${bootstrap}" -vm=${bootstrap_name}
govc vm.change -e="" -vm=${bootstrap_name}
govc vm.change -e="disk.EnableUUID=TRUE" -vm=${bootstrap_name}

To set Static IP to bootstrap we issue the following command:

govc vm.change -e="${bootstrap_ip}::${ocp_net_gw}:${ocp_net_mask}:${bootstrap_name}:ens192:off nameserver=${ocp_net_dns}" -vm=${bootstrap_name}

We are going to repeat those steps for Masters and Workers :

govc vm.clone -vm coreostemplate  -on=false  ${master_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.clone -vm coreostemplate  -on=false  ${master_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.clone -vm coreostemplate  -on=false  ${master_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

govc vm.change -c=${MASTER_CPU} -m=${MASTER_MEMORY} -vm=${master_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -c=${MASTER_CPU} -m=${MASTER_MEMORY} -vm=${master_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -c=${MASTER_CPU} -m=${MASTER_MEMORY} -vm=${master_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

govc vm.disk.change -vm ${master_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} -size 120GB
govc vm.disk.change -vm ${master_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} -size 120GB
govc vm.disk.change -vm ${master_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} -size 120GB

master=$(cat openshift-install/master.ign | base64 -w0)

govc vm.change -e="${master}" -vm=${master_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="${master}" -vm=${master_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="${master}" -vm=${master_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

govc vm.change -e="" -vm=${master_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="" -vm=${master_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="" -vm=${master_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

govc vm.change -e="disk.EnableUUID=TRUE" -vm=${master_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="disk.EnableUUID=TRUE" -vm=${master_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="disk.EnableUUID=TRUE" -vm=${master_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

govc vm.change -e="${master1_ip}::${ocp_net_gw}:${ocp_net_mask}:${master_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}:ens192:off nameserver=${ocp_net_dns}" -vm=${master_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="${master2_ip}::${ocp_net_gw}:${ocp_net_mask}:${master_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}:ens192:off nameserver=${ocp_net_dns}" -vm=${master_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="${master3_ip}::${ocp_net_gw}:${ocp_net_mask}:${master_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}:ens192:off nameserver=${ocp_net_dns}" -vm=${master_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

worker=$(cat /var/opsh/ocpddc-test/worker.ign | base64 -w0)
govc vm.clone -vm coreostemplate  -on=false  ${worker_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.clone -vm coreostemplate  -on=false  ${worker_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
# govc vm.clone -vm coreostemplate  -on=false  ${worker_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

govc vm.change -e="${worker}" -vm=${worker_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="${worker}" -vm=${worker_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
# govc vm.change -e="${worker}" -vm=${worker_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

govc vm.change -e="" -vm=${worker_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="" -vm=${worker_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
# govc vm.change -e="" -vm=${worker_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

govc vm.change -e="disk.EnableUUID=TRUE" -vm=${worker_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="disk.EnableUUID=TRUE" -vm=${worker_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="disk.EnableUUID=TRUE" -vm=${worker_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

govc vm.change -e="${worker1_ip}::${ocp_net_gw}:${ocp_net_mask}:${worker_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}:ens192:off nameserver=${ocp_net_dns}" -vm=${worker_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="${worker2_ip}::${ocp_net_gw}:${ocp_net_mask}:${worker_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}:ens192:off nameserver=${ocp_net_dns}" -vm=${worker_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -e="${worker3_ip}::${ocp_net_gw}:${ocp_net_mask}:${worker_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}:ens192:off nameserver=${ocp_net_dns}" -vm=${worker_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

govc vm.change -c=${WORKER_CPU} -m=${WORKER_MEMORY} -vm=${worker_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -c=${WORKER_CPU} -m=${WORKER_MEMORY} -vm=${worker_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.change -c=${WORKER_CPU} -m=${WORKER_MEMORY} -vm=${worker_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

govc vm.disk.change -vm ${worker_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} -size 120GB
govc vm.disk.change -vm ${worker_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} -size 120GB
govc vm.disk.change -vm ${worker_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} -size 120GB

Time to start the nodes:

govc vm.power -on=true bootstrap
govc vm.power -on=true ${master_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.power -on=true ${master_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.power -on=true ${master_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.power -on=true ${worker_name}00.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.power -on=true ${worker_name}01.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
govc vm.power -on=true ${worker_name}02.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}

Wait for the installation to complete

openshift-install --dir=openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete
openshift-install --dir=openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete > /tmp/bootstrap-test 2>&1
grep safe /tmp/bootstrap-test > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
	echo -e "\n\n\nERROR: Bootstrap did not complete in time!"
	echo "Your environment (CPU or network bandwidth) might be"
	echo "too slow. Continue by hand or execute and"
	echo "start all over again."
	exit 1
echo -e "\n\n[INFO] Completing the installation and approving workers...\n"
for csr in $(oc -n openshift-machine-api get csr | awk '/Pending/ {print $1}'); do oc adm certificate approve $csr;done
sleep 180

for csr in $(oc -n openshift-machine-api get csr | awk '/Pending/ {print $1}'); do oc adm certificate approve $csr;done

openshift-install --dir=openshift-install wait-for install-complete --log-level debug       

Part II

Automating with Terraform

With terraform we will create all the objects we need (templates and VMs) in a single piece of code. If we want to scale our cluster we'll just have to modify one variable value and rerun terraform to modify the state of our cluster. Before proceeding, please modify and install-config.yaml according to your needs and place it in the terraform folder. Also we need to export govc variables since terraform needs it during the template creation

export OCP_RELEASE="4.7.4"
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN="vmware.lab.local"
export GOVC_URL=''
export GOVC_USERNAME='[email protected]'
export GOVC_PASSWORD='password'
export GOVC_NETWORK='VM Network'
export VMWARE_SWITCH='DSwitch'
export GOVC_DATASTORE='datastore1'
export GOVC_DATACENTER='Datacenter'
export GOVC_RESOURCE_POOL=[VSPHERE_CLUSTER]/Resources  ####default pool
export MYPATH=$(pwd)
export HTTP_SERVER=""

Create ignition files

cd terraform
rm -f /var/www/html/ignition/*.ign
rm -rf ${MYPATH}/openshift-install
rm -rf ~/.kube
mkdir ${MYPATH}/openshift-install
mkdir ~/.kube
cp install-config.yaml ${MYPATH}/openshift-install/install-config.yaml
cat > ${MYPATH}/openshift-install/bootstrap-append.ign <<EOF
  "ignition": {
    "config": {
      "merge": [
        "source": "http://${HTTP_SERVER}:8080/ignition/bootstrap.ign"
    "version": "3.1.0"
openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir  openshift-install --log-level debug
cp ${MYPATH}/openshift-install/*.ign /var/www/html/ignition/
chmod o+r /var/www/html/ignition/*.ign
restorecon -vR /var/www/html/
cp ${MYPATH}/openshift-install/auth/kubeconfig ~/.kube/config

Create the cluster

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply -auto-approve

Wait for installation to complete

openshift-install --dir=openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete
openshift-install --dir=openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete > /tmp/bootstrap-test 2>&1
grep safe /tmp/bootstrap-test > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]
	echo -e "\n\n\nERROR: Bootstrap did not complete in time!"
	echo "Your environment (CPU or network bandwidth) might be"
	echo "too slow. Continue by hand or execute and"
	echo "start all over again."
	exit 1
echo -e "\n\n[INFO] Completing the installation and approving workers...\n"
for csr in $(oc -n openshift-machine-api get csr | awk '/Pending/ {print $1}'); do oc adm certificate approve $csr;done
sleep 180

for csr in $(oc -n openshift-machine-api get csr | awk '/Pending/ {print $1}'); do oc adm certificate approve $csr;done

openshift-install --dir=openshift-install wait-for install-complete --log-level debug

If the installation times out you might need to type the following command again:

openshift-install --dir=openshift-install wait-for install-complete --log-level debug

Result should look like this:

[root@esxi-bastion terraform]# openshift-install --dir=openshift-install wait-for install-complete --log-level debug
DEBUG OpenShift Installer 4.7.4                    
DEBUG Route found in openshift-console namespace: console
DEBUG OpenShift console route is admitted          
INFO Install complete!                            
INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/root/terraform-vsphere-ignitiontest/openshift-install/auth/kubeconfig'
INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here: https://console-openshift-console.apps.vmware.lab.local
INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "TkwHE-GWu5U-rAEsA-FrgqQ"

How does it work?

Just like with govc we need to create a template and clone it to create Bootstrap, Masters and Workers in that order and inject ignitions and network setup.

  • We create a template to clone from as shown by the terraform block bellow.

The local-exec provisioner is needed to actualy stop the created VM so it can be used as a template.

In this case we use local_ovf_path and thus have to download the ova beforehand but remote_ovf_url works as well for a more dynamic approach.

Terraform ovf_network_map support capabilities allows us to set the right Network for this Template.

 resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "coreostemplate" {
   name             = "coreostemplate"
   resource_pool_id =
   datastore_id     =
   datacenter_id    =
   host_system_id   =
   num_cpus = 2
   memory   = 4096
   guest_id = "coreos64Guest"
   wait_for_guest_net_timeout  = 0
   wait_for_guest_ip_timeout   = 0
   wait_for_guest_net_routable = false
   enable_disk_uuid  = true
   network_interface {
     network_id =
   ovf_deploy {
     #remote_ovf_url       = ""
     local_ovf_path       = "rhcos-vmware.x86_64.ova"  
     disk_provisioning    = "thin"
     ovf_network_map = {
       "VM Network" =
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "govc vm.power -off=true coreostemplate && sleep 10"

    environment = {
      GOVC_URL      = var.vsphere_server
      GOVC_USERNAME = var.vsphere_user
      GOVC_PASSWORD = var.vsphere_password
      GOVC_INSECURE = "true"
  • Let's take a look at the Masters definition block (Some lines were removed for better visibility)

Workers nodes specs are described in and we use a 'Count' loop to create the Nodes.

To feed ignition to our VMs we create a data source read from local file master.ign

data "local_file" "master_vm_ignition" {
 filename   = "${var.generationDir}/master.ign"

We defines the masterVMs vsphere_virtual_machine resource that depends on the bootstrapVM resource and we use the coreOS template created previously with the clone block.

resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "masterVMs" {
  depends_on = [vsphere_virtual_machine.bootstrapVM]
  count      = var.master_count

  name             = "${var.cluster_name}-master0${count.index}"

  clone {
    template_uuid =

To inject ignition data and metadata into the VM we need to use the extra_config block. Unfortunately and as stated in Fedora CoreOS Documentation, vApp Property does not work in this scenario. Syntax is very similar to what was done with govc.

  extra_config = {
    ""           = base64encode(data.local_file.master_vm_ignition.content)
    ""  = "base64"
    "guestinfo.hostname"                       = "${var.cluster_name}-master${count.index}"
    "" = lookup(var.master_network_config, "master_${count.index}_type") != "dhcp" ? "ip=${lookup(var.master_network_config, "master_${count.index}_ip")}:${lookup(var.master_network_config, "master_${count.index}_server_id")}:${lookup(var.master_network_config, "master_${count.index}_gateway")}:${lookup(var.master_network_config, "master_${count.index}_subnet")}:${var.cluster_name}-master${count.index}:${lookup(var.master_network_config, "master_${count.index}_interface")}:off nameserver=${lookup(var.bootstrap_vm_network_config, "dns")}" : "ip=::::${var.cluster_name}-master${count.index}:ens192:on"
  • Workers nodes are created the exact same way except we changed the resource we want to use with depends_on meta-argument. That way we make sure Workers built after Masters.
resource "vsphere_virtual_machine" "workerVMs" {
  depends_on = [vsphere_virtual_machine.masterVMs]

Thank you for reading


OCP 4.7 vSphere Install with Static IPs







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