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These are the config files to set up a machine the way I like it.


git clone [email protected]:larrylv/dotfiles.git ~/code/dotfiles
cd ~/code/dotfiles
mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim
rake install

homebrew & packages

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# packages are managed by `Brewfile`
brew bundle install --no-lock --verbose

# install missing packages only
brew bundle install --no-upgrade --no-lock --verbose

python stuff

pyenv install 3.12.2
pyenv global 3.12.2

pip install --upgrade autopep8 isort ruff pytest pipenv virtualenv pdm

ruby stuff

rbenv install 3.3.0
rbenv global 3.3.0

gem install bundler coderay colorize m mocha minitest pry pry-byebug ripper-tags rubocop sorbet sorbet-runtime sorbet-static

neovim, along with its plugins and dependencies

pip install --upgrade pynvim neovim

nvim --headless +PlugInstall +UpdateRemotePlugins +qall

cargo install proximity-sort

tmux & plugins

gem install tmuxinator

Install tmux plugins:

cp $TMUX_RESURRECT_BACKUP ~/.tmux/resurrect/tmux_resurrect_backup.txt
ln -s ~/.tmux/resurrect/last ~/.tmux/resurrect/tmux_resurrect_backup.txt


# add $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin/bash to `/etc/shells`, then
chsh -s $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin/bash

# enable sudo without a password

# make sure that the existing ~/.bash_history doesn't have anything you wanna keep
cp $BASH_HISTORY_BACKUP ~/.bash_history

other stuff

random stuff:

mkdir -p $HOME/code/gopath
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin

# fix gitgutter `too many files` error
sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 10240 200000
# or make the change permanent

Interesting open source projects:

# solarized
git clone [email protected]:altercation/solarized.git ~/code/solarized

# go
git clone [email protected]:nadoo/glider.git ~/code/gopath/src/
git clone [email protected]:panjf2000/gnet.git ~/code/gopath/src/
git clone [email protected]:rqlite/rqlite.git ~/code/gopath/src/

# python
git clone [email protected]:agronholm/anyio.git ~/code/anyio
git clone [email protected]:tiangolo/fastapi.git ~/code/fastapi
git clone [email protected]:pydantic/pydantic.git ~/code/pydantic
git clone [email protected]:tiangolo/sqlmodel.git ~/code/sqlmodel
git clone [email protected]:encode/starlette.git ~/code/starlette