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SvelteKit + Rust + WebAssembly template

This is a template for using Rust and WebAssembly in a SvelteKit project.


You'll need Node.js, PNPM, Rust, and all of the other tools listed in the Rust Wasm book.

Then, setup the project and install dependencies:

pnpm run setup

Then, run the dev server:

pnpm dev

Once you've run the dev server once and the Wasm files are generated, you can also optionally generate the types for the Wasm library ($lib/wasm):

pnpm build:types


To build for production, run:

pnpm build

This will use the @sveltejs/adapter-node if building on Replit, otherwise it will use @sveltejs/adapter-auto. To force it to use the Node adapter, run:

ADAPTER=node pnpm build