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Isbt: A Jupyter Kernel for sbt

See a notebook example

To install,

  1. git clone or download this zipped repository and unzip it.
  2. modify the Isbt Kernel spec sbt/kernel.json regarding a path to
  3. put sbt/kernel.json in your kernel specs' location (See Kernel specs).
  4. run "jupyter kernelspec list" to confirm whether sbt is registered.

To run,

  1. run "sbt".
  2. run "jupyter notebook".
  3. make a new notebook with "sbt" Kernel.
  4. to connect to sbt server, execute "sbt-server (host) (port)" in the notebook. Note that you can find the host and the port from your sbt log. If the log includes "[info] sbt server started at", then the host is and the port is 12700.
  5. You can use the notebook as if it were SBT Shell. Enjoy!

I have tested it in Python 3.6.1, Jupyter 4.3.0 and sbt 1.0.1 (Scala 2.12.3 and Oracle JDK 1.8.0_144).