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A simple accommodation booking system


The system is divided into the following microservices:

  • auth-service: Manages user authentication.
  • check-service: Handles hotels and rooms management.
  • booking-service: Manages booking and cancellation of rooms.

The PostgreSQL database is set up with the following tables:

  • users: Contains user information.
  • properties: Contains details about properties like hotels and flats.
  • rooms: Details about individual rooms linked to properties.
  • reserv: Reservation handling

An initialization script (root/init.sql) is used to create these tables. A db-seeder service seeds the users table with initial data using bcrypt for password hashing more details at ###Seeding below

Getting Started


  1. git clone []
  2. cd BookingApp
  3. start: a) Just fire the ./ from the project root OR b) docker-compose up --build and if done go run ./db-seeder/main.go important that either way wait for both docker compose will log to your terminal as access and error log
Admin user seeded successfully.
Reservations seeded successfully.

CLI feedbacks


  • Docker compose v3.8
  • go1.21.4 linux/amd64
  • netcat for linux distro

Ports links for dev

  • auth-service: 8081
  • check-service: 8082
  • booking-service: 8083
  • db is on default 5432

API list

provided API json at ./utils/

If you post a request set the body type to JSON and include desired content I use Insomnia API I assume a formatted string from a date picker by date values For requests with filtering it is possible to use only a "partly" filter, but with logical pair i.e.:

  "availability_start": "2023-01-01",
  "availability_end": "2023-01-10"
  "price_min": 60,
  "price_max": 70
  "creation_date": "2023-11-20"
_or combined even_
  "creation_date": "2023-11-20",
  "start_date": "2023-02-01",
  "end_date": "2023-02-05"

if you want a filter-free list then post and empty JSON object {} with the REQ to get the full array as RES float in this case below always a DECIMAL(10,2)


  • [:8081/check] GET expects nothing Response text: Auth-service up
  • [:8081/login] POST expects:
REQ Body Params (JSON format):

Response feedback msg, http only cookie with jwt token exp. 1hr

  • [:8081/logout] POST invalidate by setting cookie to be expired Response feedback msg, cookie data, and empty token val


  • [:8081/check] GET expects nothing Response text: Check-service up
  • [:8082/room/{id}] GET expects an int for ID Response a JSON object with all data of the selected room
  • [:8082/rooms] POST with optional filter params:
REQ Body Params (JSON format):
  price_min: float,
  price_max: float,
  availability_start: "YYYY-MM-DD",
  availability_end: "YYYY-MM-DD"

Response a JSON list(array of objects) of rooms matching the filters


  • [:8083/check] GET expects nothing Response text: Booking-service up
  • [:8083/bookingsof/{uId}] POST with optional filter params:
REQ Body Params (JSON format):
  "min_price": float,
  "max_price": float,
  "creation_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "start_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "end_date": "YYYY-MM-DD"

Response a JSON list(array of objects) of bookings matching the filters

  • [:8083/letsbook] POST with mandatory params:
REQ Body Params (JSON format):
  "userId": int,
  "propertyId": int,
  "roomId": int,
  "cost": float,
  "start_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "end_date": "YYYY-MM-DD"

Response text: Booking created successfully

  • [:8083/dontbook/{bookingId}] POST to delete a booking by id Response text: Booking canceled successfully


  • [:8084/check] GET expects nothing Response text: Payment-service up
  • [:8084/pay/{bookingId}] POST to pay booking by id with mandatory params:
REQ Body Params (JSON format):
  "bookingId": int,
  "amount": float,
  "currency": string,
  "cardToken": string

Response JSON object about success or failed

Details, mechanics


The db-seeder service runs automatically during and seeds the users and reserv tables. The admin user is seeded with a bcrypt-hashed password for enhanced security. It is functioning as a go "script".


MUST BE CREATED AT PROJECT ROOT . Exposed env content for development .env is not commited because of best practice

DB_CONNECTION_SEED=postgres://admin:[email protected]/BookingAppDb?sslmode=disable

Development Env and manual start

The project is set up for development with VS Code through WSL Debian. A launch.json file is included for debugging:

  • Run and Debug - Ctrl+Shift+D then you can start all services separately without containerized environment.
  • Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up db this will set up the db as a separate container but without the other services. You should seed it with go run ./db-seeder/main.go there should be a local.env for launch.json, where DB_HOST= otherwise the connection will die with timeout. This way of starting produces a brand new fresh binary to the out folder as well optimized for Linux environments.

Notes on possible improvements

  • Helper functions, types and code for general use must be regorganized to a lib, with functionality like in every main.go the program exits gracefully or time handlers.
  • Error handling and logging should be ogranized to a service or lib also health checkers for db, and endpoints
  • Testcases
  • For large datasets, consider indexing the reserv_interval column in the reserv table.
  • Queries should be transferred into postgre as a function
  • Frontend should be one GUI with an nginx reverse proxy channeled to :443