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A neat utility to allow piping a command's stdout to notepad as in `dir | show`..


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A neat utility to allow piping standard output to notepad as in dir | show..

If Notepad2.exe is available in the PATH, that will be used instead.


Download a compiled version of show.exe from my public Dropbox share:

Command-line arguments

Saves its stdin to a temporary file and opens it in the default text editor.

show.exe v0.1.0.51120
Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Kody Brown (@kodybrown).
Released under the MIT License.


  --version, -v  Displays the current version.

  --wait, -w     Waits for Notepad to be closed before returning to the
                 console process.
  --file, -f     Opens the specified file instead of stdin. This flag is
                 really only here to enable various different ways of
                 showing output during automation, etc.

Editing the opened file

The file that is opened is a saved temporary file. You can edit and save it (or 'save as' to a new location).

But, bare in mind that if you edited a file like the following, the original file will not be updated when you save.

>type file.txt | show  <-- DON'T DO THIS

To open and edit a file from the command-line use this instead:

>notepad file.txt

If you really want to use show for that, use the -f flag.

>show -f file.txt


Show the resuls of the dir command in Notepad.

>dir | show
>dir /S /B *.txt | show

Show the git log in Notepad.

>git log | show

Show the output of (all?) DOS commands in Notepad.

>set "_dpath=C:\logs\%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%" & mkdir "%_dpath%" & copy /Z /Y /V "C:\temp\*.log" "%_dpath%\*" | show

Show the current directory in Notepad.

>cd | show

A note about StdIn vs. StdErr

The show utility will only show its stdin in Notepad. For instance, the following statement will not include the error message in Notepad. For instance, running the following:

>dir C:\DoesNotExist | show
File Not Found

Displays File Not Found in the console window and the following in Notepad.

 Volume in drive C is mymachine
 Volume Serial Number is 1234-ABCD

 Directory of C:\

So, if there is a potential error, that you would want to see, use the following:

>dir C:\DoesNotExist **2>&1** | show

Which will show the following, complete response in Notepad.

 Volume in drive C is mymachine
 Volume Serial Number is 1234-ABCD

 Directory of C:\

File Not Found


A neat utility to allow piping a command's stdout to notepad as in `dir | show`..







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