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Where are we at with this?


  • What: Baseball Game
  • Skill Level: Novice to Intermediate
  • Style: 2D prototype to get started with a plan to move to 3D
  • Language: GDScript
  • Commitment: 1-2 hours / week (mostly Saturdays)
  • Design/Communication Platforms: Unity Godot / GitHub / Discord

Who are we?


I'm a new coder currently attending a coding boot camp. My focus is web development, but I've found myself bored of playing games and I'm dying to make one instead. I'm fairly new to front-end style web development, but I'm looking to build something collaboratively because I think it would be extremely educational from a project construction and collaboration standpoint. One of the first games I ever made was in QBasic. It was called Danger House.

Why Baseball?

Baseball has a very defined set of rules already. My focus for this project is not to develop a new game to sell, but rather to figure out all those pesky pieces in between that nobody seems to be talking about at a low enough level.

E.G. How to collaborate on GitHub, link Unity work to your project, communicate with your team members, track progress, assign and complete tasks, and if all goes well, how to actually go about improving and publishing the finished product, and patching it moving forward to something like Steam

With baseball as a model to use, we won't need to spend time trying to come up with how the game itself works. That way we can focus on how to build it from the ground up. It's sort of like having the picture on the outside of a puzzle box. We know what the picture looks like. Let's put it together... together.