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The package gives you async support for a range of databases (SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL).

Tests Status PYPI Version Python Versions



  • python >= 3.7


aio-databases should be installed using pip:

$ pip install aio-databases

You have to choose and install the required database drivers with:

# To support SQLite
$ pip install aio-databases[aiosqlite]  # asyncio

# To support MySQL
$ pip install aio-databases[aiomysql]   # asyncio
$ pip install aio-databases[trio_mysql] # trio

# To support PostgreSQL (choose one)
$ pip install aio-databases[aiopg]      # asyncio
$ pip install aio-databases[asyncpg]    # asyncio
$ pip install aio-databases[triopg]     # trio

# To support ODBC (alpha state)
$ pip install aio-databases[aioodbc]    # asyncio


Init a database

    from aio_databases import Database

    # Initialize a database
    db = Database('sqlite:///:memory:')  # with default driver

    # Flesh out the driver 
    db = Database('aiosqlite:///:memory:', **driver_params)

Setup a pool of connections (optional)

Setup a pool of connections

    # Initialize a database's pool
    async def my_app_starts():
        await db.connect()

    # Close the pool
    async def my_app_ends():
        await db.disconnect()

    # As an alternative users are able to use the database
    # as an async context manager

    async with db:
        await my_main_coroutine()

Get a connection

    # Acquire and release (on exit) a connection
    async with db.connection():
        await my_code()

    # Acquire a connection only if it not exist
    async with db.connection(False):
        await my_code()

If a pool is setup it will be used

Run SQL queries

    await db.execute('select $1', '1')
    await db.executemany('select $1', '1', '2', '3')

    records = await db.fetchall('select (2 * $1) res', 2)
    assert records == [(4,)]

    record = await db.fetchone('select (2 * $1) res', 2)
    assert record == (4,)
    assert record['res'] == 4

    result = await db.fetchval('select 2 * $1', 2)
    assert result == 4
  • Iterate through rows one by one
    async for rec in db.iterate('select name from users'):

Manage connections

By default the database opens and closes a connection for a query.

    # Connection will be acquired and released for the query
    await db.fetchone('select %s', 42)

    # Connection will be acquired and released again
    await db.fetchone('select %s', 77)

Manually open and close a connection

    # Acquire a new connection object
    async with db.connection():
        # Only one connection will be used
        await db.fetchone('select %s', 42)
        await db.fetchone('select %s', 77)
        # ...

    # Acquire a new connection or use an existing
    async with db.connection(False):
        # ...

If there any connection already db.method would be using the current one

    async with db.connection(): # connection would be acquired here
        await db.fetchone('select %s', 42)  # the connection is used
        await db.fetchone('select %s', 77)  # the connection is used

    # the connection released there

Manage transactions

    # Start a tranction using the current connection
    async with db.transaction() as trans1:
        # do some work ...

        async with db.transaction() as trans2:
            # do some work ...
            await trans2.rollback()

        # unnessesary, the transaction will be commited on exit from the
        # current context

        await trans1.commit()

    # Create a new connection and start a transaction
    async with db.tranction(True) as trans:
        # do some work ...

Bug tracker

If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to the issue tracker at


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Licensed under a MIT License