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A cheap wikipedia rip off that uses Remix under the hood.

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Pole Pedia

Pole Pedia

A cheap wikipedia rip off that uses Remix under the hood.


Initial setup:

npm run setup

Start dev server:

npm run dev


npm run build
npm start

Connecting to your database

This project uses postgresql. Configure your .env file with corresponding informations.

You can then use npx prisma db push to create the db for you, but it won't create the schemas for you (because project uses some specific postgresql extension that is specified in migration files).

So use npx prisma migrate dev.

You can seed it npx prisma db seed.



npm run test:e2e:dev # run end to end tests. Setup your .env.teste2e file.


npm run test # runs unit tests and components tests
npm run test:db # runs database tests. You might want to setup your .env.test file for that

Type Checking

This project uses TypeScript. It's recommended to get TypeScript set up for your editor to get a really great in-editor experience with type checking and auto-complete. To run type checking across the whole project, run npm run typecheck.


This project uses ESLint for linting. That is configured in .eslintrc.js.


We use Prettier for auto-formatting in this project. It's recommended to install an editor plugin (like the VSCode Prettier plugin) to get auto-formatting on save. There's also a npm run format script you can run to format all files in the project.