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Running site locally

  1. Clone repository
  2. Install dependencies via npm i command
  3. Create .env file from .env.example file and make sure it has correct values
  4. Start development server via npm run dev command

Make build

  1. Start build via npm run build command
  2. Start server via npm run start command

Commit strategy

  1. You should create new branches out of dev branch
  2. You should make a pull-request to dev branch
  3. You should check your open pull-requests and rebase them against dev in case any conflicts
  4. You should use master branch only for deployment


  1. Deploy dev to staging (file bash deploy-staging)
  2. Deploy master to production (file bash deploy)

Note for deploy:

If you deploy to production and see that your changes didn't implement, but in localhost all works. You can try command killall node on prod.

Test it

  1. Start development server via npm run dev command
  2. Start tests via npm run test

Note for macOS developers

  1. Node.js version has to be >= 9
  2. After installing dependencies you have to run npm rebuild node-sass