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Simple Flask and Bokeh app to be deployed on Heroku

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Flask and Bokeh on Heroku

This is a TDI project is intended to help you tie together some important concepts and technologies from the 12-day course, including Git, Flask, JSON, Pandas, Requests, Heroku, and Bokeh for visualization. The provided repository contains a basic template for a Flask configuration that will work on Heroku. The instructions in the original (and the linked tutorials) left out a lot of details as well as corner cases in building and deploying the app. Thus this note summarizes the issues that I encountered and the tricks that address them.

A finished demo example that demonstrates some basic functionality.

Step 1: Setup and deploy

  • Git clone the existing template repository.
  • If one chooses to builds up an app from scratch, after testing the build application in Spyder or terminal:
  • git init .
  • git add .
  • git commit -m "Demo"
  • There are some boilerplate HTML in templates/, the useful HTML files are index.html and plot.html
  • Procfile, requirements.txt, conda-requirements.txt, and runtime.txt contain some default settings.
    • Be very careful with the version of the packages in requirements.txt. For example, I use version 0.12.10 of Bokeh (src=""), so I make sure bokeh==0.12.10 in the requirement.txt, to avoid potential issues caused by version mismatch.
  • Create Heroku application with heroku create <app_name> or leave blank to auto-generate a name.
  • heroku git:remote -a <app_name> is needed if the app is built from scratch (not cloned from a repository)
  • (Suggested) Use the conda buildpack. If you choose not to, put all requirements into requirements.txt. heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=

    The advantages of conda include easier virtual environment management and fast package installation from binaries (as compared to the compilation that pip-installed packages sometimes require). One disadvantage is that binaries take up a lot of memory, and the slug pushed to Heroku is limited to 300 MB. Another note is that the conda buildpack is being deprecated in favor of a Docker solution (see docker branch of this repo for an example). I choose to put all requirements into requirements.txt. The suggested configuration does not work for me. There could be version compatibility issues ?

  • Deploy to Heroku: git push heroku master
  • Always test the app locally first: heroku local. Then go to http://localhost:5000/
  • You should be able to see your site at https://<app_name>
  • A useful reference is the Heroku quickstart guide.

Step 2: Get data from API and put it in pandas

  • Use the requests library to grab some data from a public API. This will often be in JSON format, in which case simplejson will be useful.
  • Build in some interactivity by having the user submit a form which determines which data is requested.
  • Create a pandas dataframe with the data.

Here I use Quandl API calls to pull the prices time series of last str_days number of days, with str_days as variable and taken as an input submitted from index.html

def get_quandl(str_days):
   # Use Quandl API calls
   reqURL = "" \
        +"limit=" + str_days\
        +"&api_key=" + key
   data = r.json()['dataset']['data']
   col_names = r.json()['dataset']['column_names']
   df = DataFrame(data, columns = col_names)
   x = to_datetime(df['Date'])
   y = df['Value']

Note here is an example of JSON output. Be careful with JSON data hierarchy.

{'dataset': {'collapse': None,
  'column_index': None,
  'column_names': ['Date', 'Value'],
  'data': [['2020-01-06', 63.27],
   ['2020-01-03', 63.0],
   ['2020-01-02', 61.17],
   ['2019-12-31', 61.14]],
  'database_code': 'EIA',
  'database_id': 661,
  'dataset_code': 'PET_RWTC_D',
  'description': 'Series ID: PET.RWTC.D<br><br>Units: Dollars per Barrel. Cushing, OK WTI Spot Price FOB',
  'end_date': '2020-01-06',
  'frequency': 'daily',
  'id': 11835659,
  'limit': 4,
  'name': 'Cushing, OK WTI Spot Price FOB, Daily',
  'newest_available_date': '2020-01-06',
  'oldest_available_date': '1986-01-02',
  'order': None,
  'premium': False,
  'refreshed_at': '2020-01-12T13:42:11.447Z',
  'start_date': '1986-01-02',
  'transform': None,
  'type': 'Time Series'}}

Also, x = to_datetime(df['Date']) is necessary to convert string to Pandas datetime format.

Step 3: Use Bokeh to plot pandas data

  • Create a Bokeh plot from the dataframe.
  • Consult the Bokeh documentation and examples.
  • Make the plot visible on your website through embedded HTML or other methods - this is where Flask comes in to manage the interactivity and display the desired content.
  • Some good references for Flask: This article, especially the links in "Starting off", and this tutorial.
  • Most instructions and online tutorials overlooked the following two very important aspects in Bokeh:
  • {{ script | safe }} {{ div | safe }} |safe is absolutely necessary, otherwise, Bokeh has difficulty updating new plots (with new submitted input)

  • In plot.html, use https instead of http for linking CSS and Javascript. Otherwise, Heroku will not display the plot. The following is the example:

   rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"