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The Tree Survey is my solo project that I developed for Coding Dojo.

🌲 This project is a Python with Flask application. Using HTML5, CSS3, Jinja2, and Bootstrap for the Front-end work.

🌲 Back-end work consist of Python3 and MySQL. I used Balsamiq wireframes to draw up the page layout concepts.

🌲 Project Description: The Arbor Day Foundation sends me a paper survey each year asking questions. I was thinking of creating a webpage for folks to enter trees they have counted around them.

    • Register and Login page (with validation)
    • Welcome dashboard page for user they can see what they have entered. Edit & Delete links
    • Add location where they are at and how many trees are in that location. (address will have validations, # of trees etc)
    • Edit page pre-fills data to edit.
    • Tree look up page

🌲 Backlog:

  • Tree look up page may have to go into the backlog. I’d like to do a search for a tree based on selections they make and it returns different options to view and find the tree.  Or allowing the user to upload a photo and it returns a list of potential matches to view and choose from.

  • Make another additional page that covers every question that is present on the paper version of the survey.

  • Additional page for Tree companies doing work on planting more trees.

  • Add page for Bird, butterfly, and wildlife conservation info.

🌲 New Programming Concept(s) I'm Planning to Learn: - Implement the Jinja2 "includes" into my html, and further work with Bootstrap (responsiveness).

The requirements for the solo project that we had to meet are the following.

Solo Project Proposal

🥷 It's time to start putting your bootcamp skills to something you want to share with the world!

🥷 Begin by coming up with an idea, either from the listed wireframes, or your own design. Your project should NOT be related to a belt exam or a past full-stack assignment. Your project should advance yourself as a developer, and it can also:

Relate to a passion or hobby of yours
Solve or simplify a problem for yourself or somebody
Perform common good for a community

The front-end/design of your project can be just as important as your back-end, make sure you allow yourself the time to focus on this as well.

You should then build up a feature list for what you would want to include in your presentation (Minimum Viable Product or MVP) and features that would be cool, but not crucial (product backlog).

Project Requirements

✓ - Required, these are mostly competencies that were required for your Orange/Red belt

B - Bonus, some are Black belt features, while others are within your abilities

Language Used PYTHON
Project is on GitHub
.gitignore file in root folder
All of CRUD* on a non-User table (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
CSS implemented, and possibly other static content
Data is validated upon create and edit, errors show
Login and Registration with validations
Protected routes (Must be logged in to view)
Application is responsive B
Application uses a CSS framework such as Bootstrap B
Application is publicly deployed B
Application features a third-party API B
File Upload B
Many-to-many relationship (like, favorite, RSVP, etc) B
Project uses Django instead of Flask B

🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷 🥷

Login & Registration Page:

Login Validation:

Registration Validation:

Dashboard (Home) Page:

Add Location Page & Validation (Create/Insert):

View Location Page & Edit Location Page (Read/Select & Update):

Delete link is listed on the Dashboard page.

Instructions: (Note: these instructions are for a Mac.)

You will have to forward engineer the ERD and run 'pipenv install PyMySQL flask flask-bcrypt' after downloading the files.
pipenv shell
Open Local host in your browser.


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