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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

component | documentation
component | documentation
Improvements or additions to documentation
component | engine
component | engine
Core algorithm of the tool
component | style
component | style
Modifications to the formatting rules
component | third-party dependency
component | third-party dependency
Third party dependency
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
status | it is a good thing
status | it is a good thing
We agree it is good to implement this
status | needs discussing
status | needs discussing
Needs discussion
status | won't do it
status | won't do it
This will not be worked on
type | bug
type | bug
Something isn't working
type | duplicate
type | duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
type | feature request
type | feature request
New feature or request
type | higgs-bugson
type | higgs-bugson
A bug difficult to find in the real world
type | invalid
type | invalid
This doesn't seem right
type | question
type | question
Further information is requested