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This is a test repository for testing out auto. Whenever a pull request is merged to master, if the PR has the release label, auto performs the following:

  • A new version number is calculated based on the most recent release and whether the intervening PRs had the labels major, minor, or patch.

  • A section is added & committed to the top of the CHANGELOG for the new version, listing all PRs merged since the last version, organized by label.

  • The new commit is tagged with the new version.

  • A GitHub release is created for the new version using the same body as the CHANGELOG section.

    • The creation of the GitHub release in turn triggers a job for building the Python project and uploading it to TestPyPI (link).

By default, auto recognizes the following PR labels:

  • major — for major version level changes
  • minor — for minor version level changes
  • patch — for patch/micro-version level changes; default for unlabelled PRs
  • internal — for changes only affecting the internal API
  • documentation — for changes only affecting the documentation
  • release — causes a new release after merging
  • skip-release — unnecessary, since this repository is configured to only release on PRs with release


When copying this repository's configuration to another repository, the following additional steps must be taken:

  • After configuring .autorc, the necessary labels must be created in the GitHub repository by running the following in a clone of the repo:

      GH_TOKEN=... auto create-labels
  • The most recent release of the project must be tagged and have a GitHub release created for it

  • A PyPI upload token must be saved as a secret named "PYPI_TOKEN"