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Hyperswitch Hiring Challenge

nms006 edited this page Mar 26, 2024 · 12 revisions

Hyperswitch, powered by Juspay, is building the next-gen payments platform for the world and we are looking for talented engineers who can join our crew. Juspay solved for Indian payments sector for the last 10 years, building frameworks, platforms, products and infrastructure which powers 100 Mn transactions per day, with an annualized TPV of $500Bn.

With Hyperswitch, we are now on a mission to build a systems software for the global payments ecosystem. Why?

Because we believe in a world where transactions don’t come with a side of headaches. Built with the resilience and efficiency of Rust, Hyperswitch is the platform aiming to do for payments, what Linux did for operating systems: open it up, shake it out, and make it better for everyone. We are a team of 1200+ members, from across the globe, who are working towards this open source movement.

It is going to be a long read below. So here is your TLDR

  1. Go to GitHub Discussions and bookmark our Hiring Challenge.
  2. Fork the repo to run Hyperswitch in your environment.
  3. Pick out a problem statement of your choice from the list here. Alternatively, you can also start with any good-first-issue! _New problems come out every week, _
  4. Note that you do not necessarily have to raise a PR with the full solution, an approach or a proposal would also do!
  5. Submit your application here
  6. That's it. Rest is on us. We will evaluate your application --> connect with you --> meet you and if things go well, we will Hire You
  7. If you want to know more about us, our culture, then watch this message by our founder

Let's now move on to the long story (which we recommend you should read):

The global payment ecosystem today is dominated by closed systems, facing increasing diversity and becoming expensive for businesses. These problems can only be solved by open systems. The payments ecosystem needs a trusted unifier / orchestrator and that is what Hyperswitch is all about. You can learn more about Hyperswitch here.

Since we are shaking up global payments, why not shake up the traditional hiring process? That's why we are opening up our hiring process via Github.

We are Not Just Hiring - We are Inviting You to Innovate & Build Open Source Software for the World.

Who is this for?

  • Passionate Engineers: You get a thrill out of tackling complex and hard engineering problems and building elegant solutions.
  • The Coding Newbie or Seasoned Pro: We welcome engineers of all experience levels! While Rust and React are the technologies we use, your passion for learning and problem-solving is what truly matters. We'll provide the support and resources you need to excel.
  • The Open-Source Advocate: Contributing to the open-source community is your jam. You believe in collaboration and building things together that benefit everyone.
  • The Lifelong Learner: You're never satisfied with the status quo. You're always hungry for new challenges and eager to learn the latest languages and frameworks (like the ever-popular Rust!).

How to Join Our Quest?

🗒️ Pick Your Challenge

Explore our engaging GitHub Discussions and pick a payment problem that ignites your coding fire. We offer a variety of challenges, from core payments backend built in Rust, to crafting the ultimate user experience in React.

You should then fill out this google form to let us know about your participation.

We release problem statements every week - Bookmark the GitHub Discussions page to stay tuned to each release.

⚙️ Level Up Your Skills

Solve the problem, document your code with clarity, and don't hesitate to join our active Discord community if you need guidance. The Hyperswitch team is your coding sensei, always ready to support your journey.

Note that you do not necessarily have to raise a PR with the full solution, an approach or a proposal would also do!

Our team will periodically review your approach, ideas and solutions and revert to you with the next steps of the process.

Since each problem is different, we are not keeping any hard time-lines for submitting solution.

🧑‍💻 Showcase Your Expertise

If your solution impresses our team, we'll invite you to a relaxed interview round (think chatting with fellow coding enthusiasts). Expect a mix of behavioral and technical interviews, designed to understand not just your skills but how you think and collaborate.

✅ Join the Winning Team

You can expect a decision within a week of the final interview round. We’re quick. Expect to hear from us within a week of your final interview.

We Celebrate Diversity

At Hyperswitch, we celebrate diversity with talent as much as we do with payments. Our teams consist of individuals from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds, fostering an inclusive and supportive environment. We encourage everyone to share and be proud of their unique perspectives, contributing to our collective success.

And if you are here already, then we know you are interested. And what you see below, Our Core Values will really inspire you:
