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A microservice backbone for Node.js supporting intra-service discovery and cross-process services.


Install via npm:

npm install understruct


understruct is a library which allows complex Node.js applications to be built as a collection of different discrete services, each implementing well-defined subsets of the application's total functionality.

understruct provides an architecture for building microservice applications which supports the following capabilities:

  • Service instantiation: understruct provides a standard pattern for instantaiting services when the application is started.
  • Service discovery: understruct provides a number of mechanisms by which a service can resolve dependencies on other services on the backbone.
  • Cross-process services: understruct allows services to be split into client and server components, where the server component implements the service's functionality and runs in a separate process, whilst the client is a stub component which runs local to the dependent code and communicates with the server over IPC.

Basic usage

Use understruct by starting a backbone instance with the backbone configuration:

    const understruct = require('understruct');

    async function run() {
        let app = await understruct.start([
                'settings': require('./settings')
                'db': require('./db')
                'http': require('./http')
        return app;


The backbone configuration is a list of service layers. Each service layer contains one or more service instances bound to a service name. See the following sections for more information.

Service instantiation

Services are presented to understruct in one of two ways:

  • As pre-instantiated service objects - this is useful mainly for static objects such as system configurations.
  • As factory functions which return an instantiated service object. Factory functions can be either synchronous or asynchronous.

A simple service pattern is for the service module to export the factory function, e.g.:

module.exports = function( ... ) {
    // ... instantiate and return the service ...

Each service is presented with a name which the service will be bound to on the backbone:

    'db': require('./db') // 'db' module exports a factory function

The name can then be used later for service discovery by other services with a dependency on the named service.

Service discovery

Service discovery is the process by which a service's dependencies on other services are resolved. Service dependencies are normally expressed as a list of service names that the dependent service requires.

Service layers

To aid service discovery, understruct organises an application's different services into service layers. Services in lower layers are instantiated before services in higher layers, and, generally, services in higher layers have dependencies only on services in lower layers.


        // Layer 0 - application settings
        'settings': require('./settings')
        // Layer 1 - DB layer
        'db': require('./db')
        // Layer 2 - HTTP layer - dependent on db and settings.
        'http': require('./http')

Backward dependencies

The standard type of service dependency is a backwards dependency, where a service in one layer has a dependency on a named service in a lower, previously-instantiated layer.

Backwards dependencies are declared in the argument list of a service's factory function by listing the names of the required services. understruct will resolve the service instances before invoking the factory function.

function make( settings, db ) {

    // 'settings' and 'db' are instances of the named services.

    // ... instantiate the service ...
    const service = new Service( settings, db );
    return service;

In the example above, understruct will extract the names of the dependent services - settings and db - from the factory function's argument list and look for services under thoses names on the backbone. This requires that services were bound to those names in previous, lower service layers of the backbone. If an instantiated service can't be found bound to any particular name then backbone instantation will be stopped and an error will be thrown.

Services are bound to their name on the services property of the understruct backbone instance, which is available to factory functions through the this keyword. This means that service instances can also be accessed as named properties of the backbone, and so the following code is roughly equivalent to the previous example:

function make() {
    const { settings, db } =;
    const service = new Service( settings, db );
    return service;

Forward dependencies

It's not always possible to organize services so that all dependencies are backwards directed, so understruct provides a mechanism for a service to request a dependency on a service in a higher layer which hasn't been instantiated yet. This can be done using the onServiceBind method on the backbone instance. A service or factory function can call the method, passing it the name of a required service, together with a callback function which will be invoked when the service becomes available. The dependent service can then use the callback to resolve its dependency. The callback will also work if the named service has already been bound when onServiceBind is called.

Note that when instantiating a service with forward dependencies that, by necessity, the service's factory function must return the service instance in an incomplete state - i.e. without all its dependencies resolved.


function make() {

    // Instantiate the service.
    const service = new Service();

    // Request dependency notification
    // Note that 'this' is the understruct backbone.
    this.onServiceBind('db', ( db ) => {
        service.db = db;

    // Return the service instance.
    return service;

Conforming-interface dependencies

Service dependencies can also be expressed using a conforming interface definition instead of a name - i.e. the dependency is resolved by any service which provides the specified interface.

Interface definitions can be simply expressed as a list of named properties which a service must provide:


More exact definitions can be expressed by specifying the expected types of each property, e.g.:

    'getTime': 'function',
    'setTime': 'function'

The onConfirmingServiceBind backbone method can be used to register a callback:

function make( db ) {

    const service = new Service( db );

    // The interface definition - a service with getTime and setTime methods.
    const timerIF = {
        'getTime': 'function',
        'setTime': 'function'

    // Register the callback.
    this.onConformingServiceBind( timerIF, ( timer ) => {
        service.timer = timer;

    return service;

Cross-process services

Node.js applications are normally single-threaded and run in a single process. understruct supports multi-process applications, where a service running in one process can be accessed by client services running in seperate processes, with the two processes communicating using IPC. Cross-process services are implemented as instances of the IPCService class.

Client and server

Every IPC service has a client and server component. The client component is a service stub which acts as the local instance of a remote service, forwards message calls from the client to the server, and receives events raised by the server. The service component implements the actual service logic.


Service messages are similar to methods but are intended for remote invocation. Messages are defined as message handler functions bound to message names:

    let service = new IPCService('timer');
    service.messages = {
        'setTime': function( time ) {
            // ...

Messages can be sent from a client stub by calling the message name as a method on the stub:

function make( timer ) {
    // 'timer' is a client stub
    // ... etc ...

In the code above, timer is an IPC service client stub, and calling its setTime(...) method sends a setTime message to the server component, where it is handled by the message function in the previous example.

Just like normal methods, message calls can also return values; all message calls are asynchronous and return a promise which resolves to the return value once received from the remote server.

Message arguments and values must be serializable over IPC, so it is generally best to use JSON safe values.


All IPC services are event emitters. Server components can raise events using the emit(...) method. Code can register for events by binding listeners to a client component using its on(...) method.


The client and server components of a service should be instantiated on different backbone instances running within different processes.

For example, if the timer module implements and exports an IPCService instance then the server can be bound on the backbone as follows:

        'timer': require('./timer').server

The client stub can be bound on a separate backbone instance as follows:

        'timer': require('./timer').client

If the client/server setup isn't needed, then the service can be run in standalone mode where both the client and server run together in the same process:

        'timer': require('./timer').service

(Note that IPC isn't used in standalone mode.)

To support this style of usage, the IPCService class is designed to be instantiated synchronously so that it can be returned as a module export. If a service needs to perform asynchronous operations as part of its setup then these can be deferred from service initialization to service startup using the initClient and initServer properties of the IPCService instance, for example:

    const service = new IPCService();
    service.initServer = async function( db ) {
        // ... async startup ...
    module.exports = service;

Note that service dependencies can be declared through the initClient or initServer argument list, as with normal module initialization. Unlike normal module initialization, the this keyword within an initClient or initServer call refers to the IPCService client or server instance being initialized; however, the backbone can be accessed from within these functions using the app property (e.g.


Copyright 2018 Julian Goacher.

Licenced under the Apache 2.0 OSS licence.


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