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Tour of JSON Schema

This repository contains the code for the Tour of JSON Schema project.


The project is built using next.js.

after cloning the repository, create a .env file in the root of the project with the following content:

MODE = "local"

Then run the following command to install the dependencies:

yarn install

To start the development server, run the following command:

yarn dev

when you run yarn dev, a file named outline.json will be created in th /content directory. This file is used to generate the table of contents for the website.


Writing MDX

The content written in MDX, a markdown format that supports JSX syntax. This allows us to embed React components in the docs. See the GitHub Markdown Guide for a quick overview of markdown syntax.



We recommend the following extensions for VSCode users:

  • MDX: Intellisense and syntax highlighting for MDX.
  • Prettier: Format MDX files on save.

File Structure

the content of each step is stored in the /content directory with the following structure:

├── 01-introduction
│   ├── index.mdx
│   ├── 01-welcome
│       ├── instructions.mdx
│       ├── code.ts
│   ├── 02-what-is-json-schema
│       ├── instructions.mdx
│       ├── code.ts
├── 02-types
│   ├── index.mdx
│   ├── 01-primitive-types
│       ├── instructions.mdx
│       ├── code.ts
│   ├── 02-arrays
│       ├── instructions.mdx
│       ├── code.ts

The instructions.mdx file holds the content the users sees, and the code.ts file holds template code and the logic to validate user provided schemas