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Terraform AWS EKS


Example of the use: Creating a cluster basic of the EKS

module "cluster" {
    source = "[email protected]:jslopes8/terraform-aws-eks.git?ref=v2.0"

    cluster_name        = "demo-lab"
    cluster_version     = "1.17"

    vpc_config = [
            subnet_ids  = [ 
            public_access_cidrs = [""]

Example of the use: Creating a cluster EKS with fargate profile

module "cluster" {
    source = "[email protected]:jslopes8/terraform-aws-eks.git?ref=v2.0"

    cluster_name        = "demo-lab"
    cluster_version     = "1.17"

    vpc_config = [
            subnet_ids  = [ 
            public_access_cidrs = [""]

    fargate_profile = [{
            name        = "pod_fargate"
            subnet_ids  = [ 
            selector = [{
                    namespace = "kube-system"

Example Creating a Complete EKS Cluster on Fargate Host

module "cluster" {
    source = "[email protected]:jslopes8/terraform-aws-eks.git?ref=v2.0

    cluster_name        = "demo-lab"
    cluster_version     = "1.17"

    vpc_id              = local.vpc_id
    vpc_config = [
            subnet_ids          = data.aws_subnet_ids.find.ids
            public_access_cidrs = [""]

    enabled_cluster_log_types   = [ "api", "audit" ]
    retention_in_days           = "14"

    alb-ingress-controller = "true"

    fargate_profile = [
            name        = "kube-fargate"
            subnet_ids  = data.aws_subnet_ids.find.ids
            selector = [
                { namespace = "kube-system" },
                { namespace = "default" },
                { namespace = "kube-ingress" }
            name        = "application-fargate"
            subnet_ids  = data.aws_subnet_ids.find.ids
            selector = [{ namespace = "2048-game" }]

    kubeconfig_path = "/home/jslopes/config"
    default_tags    = local.tags

Each document configuration can have one vpc_config block, which accepts the following arguments:

  • subnet_ids (Required) - list of subnet IDs. Must be in at least two different availability zones.
  • public_access_cidrs (Required) - indicates which CIDR blocks can access the API server endpoint when enabled.
  • security_group_ids (Opcional) - list of security group IDs for allow communication between your worker nodes and the Kubernetes control plane.
  • endpoint_public_access (Opcional) - indicates whether or not the API server endpoint is enabled. Default is true.
  • endpoint_private_access (Opcional) - indicates whether or not the API server endpoint is enabled. Default is false.

Each document configuration may have one fargate_profile blocks, which accepts the following arguments:

  • name (Required) - name of the EKS Fargate Profile.
  • subnet_ids (Required) - list of subnet IDs. Must be in at least two different availability zones.
  • selector (Required) - the selector block is dinamic and may have one or more namespace argument.

Variables Inputs

Name Description Required Type Default
cluster_name The name of the cluster yes string
cluster_version Desired Kubernetes master version. yes string 1.17
vpc_id The Id VPC yes string
vpc_config The VPC associated with your cluster. yes list []
retention_in_days The policy retention in days, required if argument enabled_cluster_log_types is present. no number
enabled_cluster_log_types A list of the desired control plane logging to enable. no list []
fargate_profile The Fargate profile allows an administrator to declare which pods run on Fargate. no list []
kubeconfig_path The path for creating of the kubeconfig files. no string
alb-ingress-controller The AWS ALB Ingress Controller for Kubernetes is a controller that triggers the creation of an Application Load Balancer (ALB) and the necessary supporting AWS resources whenever an Ingress resource is created on the cluster with the alb annotation. Details on no bool false

Variable Outputs

Name Description
api_server The endpoint for your Kubernetes API server.
kubeconfig_cert_data The base64 encoded certificate data required to communicate with your cluster.
kubeconfig_path The path of the kubeconfig files.