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John edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 12 revisions

Configuration copied from

Raspberry pi3 with Stretch

The following instructions configure the Raspberry PI OS to enable ttyS0 so that it can communicate with the Pilots hardware UART via the 40 way connector. Note the restrictions on ttyS0 documented in the link above. Note that it is possible to configure the OS such that ttyAMA0 is available there is a trade-off with the pi3 built in radio functionality

Check serial port is disabled
In stretch GUI

Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration  

Interfaces - check box "Serial: Disabled"

To enable the serial port /dev/ttyS0 no console

sudo raspi-config
Select option 5  - Interfacing options
   then option P6 - Serial
      Would you like login shell to be available over serial 
      Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled 
Exit raspi-config.

Talk to the serial port

sudo minicom -b 115200 -o -D /dev/ttyS0

Raspberry pi2 with Stretch

The following instructions configure the Raspberry PI OS to enable ttyAMA0 so that it can communicate with the Pilots hardware UART via the 40 way connector.

Check serial port is enabled In stretch GUI

Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration  

Interfaces - check box "Serial: Enabled"

To enable the serial port /dev/ttyAMA0 no console

sudo raspi-config
Select option 5  - Interfacing options
   then option P6 - Serial
      Would you like login shell to be available over serial 
      Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled 
Exit raspi-config.

Talk to the serial port

sudo minicom -b 115200 -o -D /dev/ttyAMA0
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