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Create a Django project displaying a user balance computed from a list of transactions. Users should be able to transfer funds to each other.

A staff member should be able to consult a user balance using a custom action in the admin panel (no UI work needed from you).


  1. User Foo is credited with €10,000. User Bar is credited with €15,000
  2. Balance should display €10,000 for user Foo, and €15,000 for user Bar
  3. User Foo sends €5,000 to user Bar.
  4. Balance should display €5,000 for user Foo, and €20,000 for user Bar
  5. User Bar withdraws €10,000
  6. Balance should display €5,000 for user Foo, and €10,000 for user Bar

A few notes:

  • One currency (EUR) is good enough, however you are free to allow more Deposits/Withdrawals (credit & debit) should be implemented (a staff member in the admin should be able to create those)
  • An API Endpoint should return a given user balance (the simplest authentication is fine)
  • An admin should be able to check the list of transactions
  • We will not pay much attention to the UI, you can use the admin for the entirety of the project
  • As a bonus, an admin should be able to check the balance of a user at a given time (what was Foo's balance vesterday at 04:00 UTC?)
  • As a bonus, you can start thinking about performance and scalability. What would be the most efficient way to retrieve the balance if there are millions of transactions and/or if there are 1,000 transactions/s? As a bonus, you can use AWS-cli to create a simple stack for the deployment