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Reverse geocoding from a shapefile of polygons.

How ?

The ReverseGeolocShapefile class improves the shapefile.Reader class by adding a intersection method to find polygons that intersects with a single point.

I use a simple spatial index that store the bounding box of each polygons. I save these informations into a .sidx.npy file next to the .dbf/.shp files.

Works with Python 3.6+ (I'm using f-string).


The intersection method of the ReverseGeolocShapefile class return a list of row index.


import intersectshape

shp = intersectshape.ReverseGeolocShapefile('/path/of/shapefile.shp')

# You can use all methods of shapefile.Reader object like...
row = shp.record(5)
geo = shp.shape(2)

# Find polygons that intersects a point
x, y = 200, 500  # must be at the same projection system
ids = shp.intersection(x, y)
# return [] or [0, 5, 9, 7] for example.


This code are under the GNU GPL v3 licence.

Data of French communal polygons (Geofla shapefile located in the data folder) are under Etalab Open License.