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Minimum Cut with Karger algorithm.

An hands-on experience about algorithms over graph and graph theory with the focus on efficiency.


The repositores comes with some utility commands that allows you to compile, test and bench owr algorithms. We use make to automatize this process.

Available commands

  • make all, to compile all the algorithm sources in this project.
  • make ALG, where ALG is one of KargerMinCut, KargerMinCutTimeout, KargerSteinMinCut to compile given algorithm sources.
  • make clear, to clean up the working directory.

Within the Makefile we provieded some variables to modify our pipeline. In particular you can use your own compiler rewriting the CXX flag. Other variables can be modified, for example CXXFLAGS, OUT_DIR and EXT.


make CXX="g++" CXXFLAGS="-O3 -std=c++17 -I Shared" OUT_DIR="build" EXT="exe" all


We created some bash scripts in order to automatize recurrent tasks like benchmarking. You can take a look at the script, and for further informations.

In particular,

  • executes a program with some options and saves its output,
  •, executes all listed programs using,
  •, processes a program output and returns it in a machine readable format.


We created also a report with a not-so-short description of owr work. You can find it in the directory report. The report is a LaTeX project subdivided for readability purposes in some directories like chapters and images. All starts in the main.tex file.

In order to compile sources, navigate to report directory and

  • if you have pdflatex installed, run make pdf,
  • if you have docker installed, run make pdf2.

Note: we didn't tested the doker build, there could be errors.

Project Structure

The project is structured as a unique Visual Studio solution containing multiple subprojects, one for every implemented algorithm. The code for each project is stored in a folder with the same name of the related algorithm.

These projects are:

The shared data structures and utils are stored in the Shared folder.

The project comes with some extra folders:

  • benchmark: it contains CSV benchmarks of the algorithm as well as the script used to analyze them (;
  • datasets: it contains the input data for the graphs given by our professor;

Related Projects

  • algorithms-hw2 the previous homework on Travelling Salesman Problem with Held & Karp, approximated and heuristic algorithms.
  • algorithms-hw1 the previous homework on MST algorithms.


Bryan Lucchetta

Luca Parolari

Alberto Schiabel


This project is MIT licensed. See LICENSE file.