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With this library it is possible to call the Woocommerce v3 api with functions. We extend this library according to our needs. We are looking forward to more hardworking hands.


go get

How to use?


If you want to read out products, then you can do this via the following function. It is important that the page number is stored in the function. There are always 100 products loaded per page. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Get all products from the page
products, err := gowoocommerce.Products(1, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Create a product

If you want to create a new product, you can do it as follows. For this, some data is mandatory. The function also returns the error codes from WooCommerce.

The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define product body
body := gowoocommerce.ProductsBody{
    Name:              "J&J Interface V2",
    Slug:              "jj-interface",
    Type:              "simple",
    Status:            "publish",
    Featured:          false,
    CatalogVisibility: "visible",
    Description:       "<h1>J&J Interface</h1><p>Das ist eine Beschreibung.</p>",
    ShortDescription:  "Unsere Schnittstelle zwischen Warenwirtschaft und Online Shop.",
    Sku:               "",
    Price:             "2800",
    RegularPrice:      "3000",
    SalePrice:         "",
    DateOnSaleFrom:    nil,
    DateOnSaleFromGmt: nil,
    DateOnSaleTo:      nil,
    DateOnSaleToGmt:   nil,
    OnSale:            false,
    Purchasable:       false,
    TotalSales:        0,
    Virtual:           false,
    Downloadable:      false,
    Downloads:         nil,
    DownloadLimit:     -1,
    DownloadExpiry:    -1,
    ExternalUrl:       "",
    ButtonText:        "",
    TaxStatus:         "taxable",
    TaxClass:          "",
    ManageStock:       true,
    StockQuantity:     120,
    Backorders:        "no",
    BackordersAllowed: false,
    Backordered:       false,
    LowStockAmount:    nil,
    SoldIndividually:  false,
    Weight:            "",
    Dimensions:        gowoocommerce.ProductsBodyDimensions{},
    ShippingRequired:  false,
    ShippingTaxable:   false,
    ShippingClass:     "",
    ShippingClassId:   0,
    ReviewsAllowed:    false,
    AverageRating:     "",
    RatingCount:       0,
    UpsellIds:         nil,
    CrossSellIds:      nil,
    ParentId:          0,
    PurchaseNote:      "",
    Categories:        []gowoocommerce.ProductsBodyCategories{},
    Tags:              nil,
    Images:            []gowoocommerce.ProductsBodyImages{},
    Attributes:        nil,
    DefaultAttributes: nil,
    Variations:        nil,
    GroupedProducts:   nil,
    MenuOrder:         0,
    RelatedIds:        nil,
    MetaData:          nil,

// Add an image
body.Images = append(body.Images, gowoocommerce.ProductsBodyImages{
    Src:  "",
    Name: "J&J Interface",
    Alt:  "jj-interface",

// Create new product
products, err := gowoocommerce.CreateProduct(body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Update a product

If you want to update a product, it works like creating a product. With the difference that you need the ID of the product. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define product body
body := gowoocommerce.ProductsBody{
    Name:              "J&J Interface",
    Slug:              "jj-interface",
    Type:              "simple",
    Status:            "publish",
    Featured:          false,
    CatalogVisibility: "visible",
    Description:       "<h1>J&J Interface</h1><p>Das ist eine Beschreibung.</p>",
    ShortDescription:  "Unsere Schnittstelle zwischen Warenwirtschaft und Online Shop.",
    Sku:               "",
    Price:             "2800",
    RegularPrice:      "3000",
    SalePrice:         "",
    DateOnSaleFrom:    nil,
    DateOnSaleFromGmt: nil,
    DateOnSaleTo:      nil,
    DateOnSaleToGmt:   nil,
    OnSale:            false,
    Purchasable:       false,
    TotalSales:        0,
    Virtual:           false,
    Downloadable:      false,
    Downloads:         nil,
    DownloadLimit:     -1,
    DownloadExpiry:    -1,
    ExternalUrl:       "",
    ButtonText:        "",
    TaxStatus:         "taxable",
    TaxClass:          "",
    ManageStock:       true,
    StockQuantity:     120,
    Backorders:        "no",
    BackordersAllowed: false,
    Backordered:       false,
    LowStockAmount:    nil,
    SoldIndividually:  false,
    Weight:            "",
    Dimensions:        gowoocommerce.ProductsBodyDimensions{},
    ShippingRequired:  false,
    ShippingTaxable:   false,
    ShippingClass:     "",
    ShippingClassId:   0,
    ReviewsAllowed:    false,
    AverageRating:     "",
    RatingCount:       0,
    UpsellIds:         nil,
    CrossSellIds:      nil,
    ParentId:          0,
    PurchaseNote:      "",
    Categories:        []gowoocommerce.ProductsBodyCategories{},
    Tags:              nil,
    Images:            []gowoocommerce.ProductsBodyImages{},
    Attributes:        nil,
    DefaultAttributes: nil,
    Variations:        nil,
    GroupedProducts:   nil,
    MenuOrder:         0,
    RelatedIds:        nil,
    MetaData:          nil,

// Add an image
body.Images = append(body.Images, gowoocommerce.ProductsBodyImages{
    Src:  "",
    Name: "J&J Interface",
    Alt:  "jj-interface",

// Create new product
products, err := gowoocommerce.UpdateProduct(22, body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Update stock of a product

If you want to update the stock of a product, it works like creating a product. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Update the stock
updateStock, err := gowoocommerce.UpdateProductStock(73, 3, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Delete a product

If you want to remove a product, you need the ID of the product. This must be stored with the function. Also the value force must be answered with true or false. If this is true, then the product is permanently removed. If the value is answered with false, then the product ends up in the recycle bin for the time being.

The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Delete a product
products, err := DeleteProduct(17, false, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

List all product tags

If you want to display all keywords, you can use the following function. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Get all product tags
productTags, err := gowoocommerce.ProductTags(r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Retrieve a product tag

If you want to read out a product tag, you can do this using the following function. Only an Id is needed for this. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Get a product tags
productTag, err := gowoocommerce.ProductTag(187, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Create a product tag

If you want to create a new keyword, you can do this using the following function. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Create product tag body
body := gowoocommerce.ProductTagsBody{
    Name:        "Schuhe",
    Slug:        "schuhe",
    Description: "Das ist die Beschreibung der Schuhe.",

// Create a new product tag
productTag, err := gowoocommerce.CreateProductTag(body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Update a product tag

If you want to update a keyword, you need the id of the product keyword. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Create product tag body
body := gowoocommerce.ProductTagsBody{
    Name:        "Schuhe",
    Slug:        "schuhe",
    Description: "Das ist die Beschreibung der Schuhe.",

// Update a product tag
productTag, err := gowoocommerce.UpdateProductTag(187, body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Delete a product tag

If you want to delete a product keyword, then the id is needed a boolean whether to remove the keyword irrevocably or not. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Delete date a product tag
productTag, err := gowoocommerce.DeleteProductTag(159, true, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Product attributes

With this function you can read out all product attributes. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Read all product attributes
productAttributes, err := gowoocommerce.ProductAttributes(r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Create a product attribute

If you want to add an attribute, you can do it with the following function. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define attributes body
body := gowoocommerce.ProductAttributesBody{
    Name:        "Schuhgröße",
    Slug:        "schuhgroesse",
    Type:        "select",
    OrderBy:     "menu_order",
    HasArchives: true,

// Create new product
productAttributes, err := gowoocommerce.CreateProductAttributes(body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Update a product attribute

If an attribute is to be updated, this is done with the following function. It is important that the ID of the attribute is specified. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define attributes body
body := gowoocommerce.ProductAttributesBody{
    Name:        "Schuhgröße V2",
    Slug:        "schuhgroesse",
    Type:        "select",
    OrderBy:     "menu_order",
    HasArchives: true,

// Create new product
productAttributes, err := gowoocommerce.UpdateProductAttributes(1, body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Delete a product attribute

If you want to remove an attribute, you can do so with this function. The ID of the attribute to be deleted is required. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Delete a product attributes
productAttributes, err := gowoocommerce.DeleteProductAttributes(1, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

List all attribute terms

If you want to read the attribute terms, you can do it as follows. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Read all attribute terms
productAttributeTerms, err := gowoocommerce.ProductAttributeTerms(3, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Create an attribute term

If you want to assign a new term to an attribute, you can do this as follows. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define body
body := gowoocommerce.ProductAttributeTermBody{
    Name:        "XXL",
    Slug:        "xxl",
    Description: "Ich bin eine Beschreibung.",
    MenuOrder:   0,

// Create a new term
productAttributeTerms, err := gowoocommerce.CreateProductAttributeTerms(3, body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Update an attribute term

If you want to update a term, you can do this as follows. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define body
body := gowoocommerce.ProductAttributeTermBody{
    Name:        "XXS",
    Slug:        "xxs",
    Description: "Ich bin eine neue Beschreibung.",
    MenuOrder:   0,

// Update a term
productAttributeTerms, err := gowoocommerce.UpdateProductAttributeTerms(3, 23, body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Delete an attribute term

If you want to remove a term, then you need the ID of the attribute and the ID of the term. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Delete a product attribute term
productAttributeTerms, err := gowoocommerce.DeleteProductAttributeTerms(3, 20, true, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Product variations

If you want to read out all variants for a product, you can do this as follows. The ID of the variant product is required. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Read all product variations
productVariations, err := gowoocommerce.ProductVariations(33, 1, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Create a product variant

If you want to create a new variant, you can do so using this function. Thereby some values are needed. The library returns these as values if they should occur. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define body
body := gowoocommerce.ProductVariationsBody{
    Description:       "Our Version for Shopify.",
    Permalink:         "",
    Sku:               "",
    Price:             "255",
    RegularPrice:      "",
    SalePrice:         "215",
    DateOnSaleFrom:    nil,
    DateOnSaleFromGmt: nil,
    DateOnSaleTo:      nil,
    DateOnSaleToGmt:   nil,
    OnSale:            false,
    Status:            "publish",
    Purchasable:       false,
    Virtual:           false,
    Downloadable:      false,
    Downloads:         nil,
    DownloadLimit:     -1,
    DownloadExpiry:    -1,
    TaxStatus:         "taxable",
    TaxClass:          "",
    ManageStock:       false,
    StockQuantity:     nil,
    Backorders:        "no",
    BackordersAllowed: false,
    Backordered:       false,
    Weight:            "",
    Dimensions:        gowoocommerce.ProductVariationsBodyDimensions{},
    ShippingClass:     "",
    ShippingClassId:   0,
    Image: gowoocommerce.ProductVariationsBodyImages{
        Src:  "",
        Name: "J&J Interface",
        Alt:  "J&J Interface",
    Attributes: []gowoocommerce.ProductVariationsBodyAttributes{},
    MenuOrder:  0,
    MetaData:   nil,

// Add attribute
body.Attributes = append(body.Attributes, gowoocommerce.ProductVariationsBodyAttributes{
    Name:   "Shopsoftware",
    Option: "WooCommerce",

// Create a new variant to a product
productVariations, err := gowoocommerce.CreateProductVariations(33, body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Update a product variant

If you want to update a variant, you can do this as follows. Everything is the same as when you create a variant. Only the ID of the variant must be stored. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define body
body := gowoocommerce.ProductVariationsBody{
    Description:       "Our Version for Shopify.",
    Permalink:         "",
    Sku:               "",
    Price:             "255",
    RegularPrice:      "",
    SalePrice:         "215",
    DateOnSaleFrom:    nil,
    DateOnSaleFromGmt: nil,
    DateOnSaleTo:      nil,
    DateOnSaleToGmt:   nil,
    OnSale:            false,
    Status:            "publish",
    Purchasable:       false,
    Virtual:           false,
    Downloadable:      false,
    Downloads:         nil,
    DownloadLimit:     -1,
    DownloadExpiry:    -1,
    TaxStatus:         "taxable",
    TaxClass:          "",
    ManageStock:       false,
    StockQuantity:     nil,
    Backorders:        "no",
    BackordersAllowed: false,
    Backordered:       false,
    Weight:            "",
    Dimensions:        gowoocommerce.ProductVariationsBodyDimensions{},
    ShippingClass:     "",
    ShippingClassId:   0,
    Image: gowoocommerce.ProductVariationsBodyImages{
        Src:  "",
        Name: "J&J Interface",
        Alt:  "J&J Interface",
    Attributes: []gowoocommerce.ProductVariationsBodyAttributes{},
    MenuOrder:  0,
    MetaData:   nil,

// Add attribute
body.Attributes = append(body.Attributes, gowoocommerce.ProductVariationsBodyAttributes{
    Name:   "Shopsoftware",
    Option: "WooCommerce",

// Update a variant to a product
productVariations, err := gowoocommerce.UpdateProductVariations(33, 45, body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Update the stock of a product variant

If you want to update the stock of a variant, you can do this as follows. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Update the stock
updateStock, err := gowoocommerce.UpdateProductVariationStock(21, 22, 10, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Delete a product variant

If you want to remove a variant, you can do this with the following function. This requires a productID and a variantID. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Remove a variant from a product
productVariations, err := gowoocommerce.DeleteProductVariations(33, 37, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Product categories

With the following function you can read out the stored categories. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Get all product categories
categories, err := gowoocommerce.ProductCategories(r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Add product category

With the following function you can add the new categories. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define body data
body := gowoocommerce.ProductCategory{
    Name:        "",
    Parent:      0,
    Description: "",
    Display:     "",
    MenuOrder:   0,
    Image: &gowoocommerce.ProductCategoryImage{
        Src: "",

// Create a new product category
category, err := gowoocommerce.AddProductCategory(body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Update a product category

If you want to renew an existing product category, then this actually works like creating a new category. In the function, however, the ID of the category must be specified. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define body data
body := gowoocommerce.ProductCategory{
    Name:        "",
    Parent:      0,
    Description: "",
    Display:     "",
    MenuOrder:   0,
    Image: gowoocommerce.ProductCategoryImage{
        Src: "",

// Update a product category
category, err := gowoocommerce.UpdateProductCategory(0, body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Delete a product category

To delete a category, only the ID of the category is needed. You can use this function to remove the category. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Remove a product categories
category, err := gowoocommerce.DeleteProductCategory(18, true, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Read all orders

If you want to read out all orders, you can do it page by page using the following function. 100 orders are always read out at once. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Get all orders from the page
orders, err := gowoocommerce.Orders(1, "2021-09-13T11:13:42", r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Update a order

If you want to update an order, this is currently possible via this function. Since only the status is stored in the documentation for the time being, we have currently only stored the status. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define order status update
body := gowoocommerce.UpdateOrderBody{
    Id:     330,
    Status: "completed",

// Update the status of an order
updateOrderStatus, err := gowoocommerce.UpdateOrder(body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {

Create a new order note

If you want to create a note for an order, you can do this using the following function. You can decide whether it is a note for the customer or an internal note. In this example the note is also for the customer. The description of the API endpoint can be found here.

// Define the request
r := gowoocommerce.Request{
    BaseUrl:        "",
    ConsumerKey:    "",
    ConsumerSecret: "",

// Define order status update
body := gowoocommerce.OrderNotesBody{
    Note:         "Trackingnummer",
    CustomerNote: true,
    AddedByUser:  false,

// Update the status of an order
createOrderNote, err := gowoocommerce.CreateOrderNote(12, body, r)
if err != nil {
} else {