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Hi, I'm glad you are reading this. This is a test done for Slingr/Veritone.
The chosen language to make this thest was Javascript

This test is made based on personal knowledge, information on the web and the book:
Algorithms + data structures = programs by Niklaus Wirth.

To test this code you can either do a pull and run it in your local IDE or access this link and be able to run it online. Acces code online here

These are the requirements to be met by this test: Implement a BST and all its methods.
The BST must be constructed from an array of integers.
Implement a method that returns the deepest nodes of the BST along with their depth.
Example of deepest node and depth:
Input: 12,11,90,82,82,7,9.
Output: deepest, 9; depth, 3
Input: 26, 82, 16, 92, 33
Output: deepest, 33, 92; depth, 2

What we are looking for is:
Correctness: will your solution produce the desired results?
Conciseness: is your solution clear and brief?
Maintainability: does the code resist changing needs?
Antipatterns: does your solution avoid antipatterns?


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