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Introduce ANSI writer for formatted console output
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The ANSI writer (-t ansi) outputs a document formatted with ANSI control
sequences for reading on the console.

Most Pandoc elements are supported and printed in a reasonable way, if
not always ideally. This version does no detection of terminal
capabilities nor does it fall back to different output styles for
less-capable terminals.

Some gory details:

- Title blocks are formatted with modest extravagance in --standalone
- Strong, Emph, Underline, and Strikeout spans are all formatted
  accordingly using SGR codes (which will be silently ignored by
  terminals that don't support them).
- Headings have somewhat arbitrary styles applied to them that
  probably need immediate improvement.
- Blockquotes and all flavors of list look pretty good.
- Code spans are colored magenta-on-white, which on the author's
  terminal looks kind of like the pinkish treatment of code spans used
  by many stylesheets. This probably isn't a good final decision.
- Code blocks are formatted by Skylighting's formatANSI using standard
  writer options and included directly in the output. This has some
  issues; see code comments.
- Links are printed with OSC 8 to create hyperlinks and colored cyan.
  The author's terminal automatically adds a dotted-underline to OSC 8
  hyperlinks, but only colors them differently on command-mouseover.
  Setting an underlined style on links may be more broadly accessible.
  OSC 8 support is not checked for, so on terminals not supporting it or
  with support disabled, the link text will be colored but not do
  anything and the links will not be printed.
- Images are displayed as their alt text. Support for the Kitty and
  iTerm 2 inline image protocols is planned. Supporting other terminals
  by using Chafa ( to print sixels etc would
  be cool too but the author would have to do some FFI stuff and it would
  add a dependency to Pandoc.
- Tables are replaced with a useless placeholder. Table output using
  box-drawing characters is desired.
- Subscripts and Superscripts are just parenthesized when accurate Unicode
  representations aren't available. Because these span types could have
  all kinds of semantics, there's not an obvious thing to do with them.
- Simple math is translated to Pandoc inlines using existing functionality.
  An ambitious person could look into emulating the console-mode math output
  of a computer algebra system, or rendering each display math element
  as an image with TeX or Typst and including it, or some other thing.
  • Loading branch information
silby committed Mar 12, 2024
1 parent 02744c7 commit 3e6e201
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Showing 4 changed files with 309 additions and 0 deletions.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions data/templates/default.ansi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@





1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pandoc.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -631,6 +631,7 @@ library
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/Writers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Writers
-- * Writers: converting /from/ Pandoc format
, writers
, writeANSI
, writeAsciiDoc
, writeAsciiDocLegacy
, writeAsciiDoctor
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ import qualified Text.Pandoc.Format as Format
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
import Text.Pandoc.Error
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.ANSI
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.AsciiDoc
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.BibTeX
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.ChunkedHTML
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,6 +202,7 @@ writers = [
,("markua" , TextWriter writeMarkua)
,("chunkedhtml" , ByteStringWriter writeChunkedHTML)
,("djot" , TextWriter writeDjot)
,("ansi" , TextWriter writeANSI)

-- | Retrieve writer, extensions based on formatSpec (format+extensions).
Expand Down
284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ANSI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.ANSI
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2024 Evan Silberman
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : John MacFarlane <[email protected]>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to Ansi terminal output.
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.ANSI ( writeANSI ) where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict ( StateT, gets, modify, evalStateT )
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Text.DocLayout ((<+>), ($$), ($+$))
import Text.DocTemplates (Context(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad, report)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (highlight, formatANSI)
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math(texMathToInlines)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Text.DocLayout as D

fleuron :: D.HasChars a => D.Doc a
fleuron = D.literal "─── ☙ ───"

data WriterState = WriterState {
stNotes :: [D.Doc Text] -- Footnotes
, stColumns :: Int -- Width of the rendered text block
, stInner :: Bool -- Are we at the document's top-level or in a nested construct?

type TW = StateT WriterState

withFewerColumns :: PandocMonad m => Int -> TW m a -> TW m a
withFewerColumns n a = do
cols <- gets stColumns
inner <- gets stInner
modify $ \s -> s{stColumns = max (cols - n) 4, stInner = True}
result <- a
modify $ \s -> s{stColumns = cols, stInner = inner}
return result

-- | Convert Pandoc to ANSI
writeANSI :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text
writeANSI opts document =
evalStateT (pandocToANSI opts document)
WriterState { stNotes = [],
stColumns = (writerColumns opts),
stInner = False

-- | Return ANSI-styled verison of document
pandocToANSI :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> TW m Text
pandocToANSI opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
metadata <- metaToContext opts
(blockListToANSI opts)
(inlineListToANSI opts) meta
width <- gets stColumns
let title = titleBlock width metadata
body <- blockListToANSI opts blocks
notes <- gets $ reverse . stNotes
let notemark x = D.literal (tshow (x :: Int) <> ".") <+>
let marks = take (length notes) $ map notemark [1..]
let hangWidth = foldr (max . D.offset) 0 marks
let notepretty | not (null notes) = D.cblock width fleuron $+$ hangMarks hangWidth marks notes
| otherwise = D.empty
let main = D.nest 4 $ body $+$ notepretty
let context = defField "body" main
$ defField "titleblock" title metadata
return $
case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> D.renderANSI (Just width) main
Just tpl -> D.renderANSI (Just width) $ renderTemplate tpl context

titleBlock :: Int -> Context Text -> D.Doc Text
titleBlock width meta = if null most then D.empty else D.cblock width $ most $+$ fleuron
title = D.bold (fromMaybe D.empty $ getField "title" meta)
subtitle = fromMaybe D.empty $ getField "subtitle" meta
author = D.vcat $ fromMaybe [] $ getField "author" meta
date = D.italic (fromMaybe D.empty $ getField "date" meta)
most = (title $$ subtitle) $+$ author $+$ date

hangMarks :: Int -> [D.Doc Text] -> [D.Doc Text] -> D.Doc Text
hangMarks width markers contents =
D.vsep (zipWith hangMark markers contents) where
hangMark m d = D.rblock width m <+> D.nest (width + 1) d

stackMarks :: [D.Doc Text] -> [D.Doc Text] -> D.Doc Text
stackMarks markers contents = D.vsep (zipWith stack markers contents)
where stack m d = m $$ D.nest 4 d

-- | Convert Pandoc block element to ANSI
blockToANSI :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions -- ^ Options
-> Block -- ^ Block element
-> TW m (D.Doc Text)

blockToANSI opts (Div _ bs) = blockListToANSI opts bs

blockToANSI opts (Plain inlines) = inlineListToANSI opts inlines

blockToANSI opts (Para inlines) = inlineListToANSI opts inlines

blockToANSI opts (LineBlock lns) = blockToANSI opts $ linesToPara lns

blockToANSI _ b@(RawBlock _ _) = do
report $ BlockNotRendered b
return D.empty

blockToANSI _ HorizontalRule = return $ D.blankline $$ fleuron $$ D.blankline

blockToANSI opts (Header level _ inlines) = do
contents <- inlineListToANSI opts inlines
inner <- gets stInner
return $ header inner level contents $$ D.blankline where
header False 1 = (D.flush . D.bold)
header True 1 = (D.underlined . D.bold)
header False 2 = ((<> D.literal " ") . D.bold)
header True 2 = D.bold
header _ 3 = D.italic
header _ _ = id

-- The approach to code blocks and highlighting here is a best-effort with
-- existing tools, and can easily produce results that aren't quite right. Using
-- line numbers together with certain highlight styles interacts poorly with
-- the "nest" combinator being applied to the whole document. The Skylighting
-- formatANSI function produces fully-rendered results; a more ambitious
-- approach here could process SourceLines into a Doc Text.
blockToANSI opts (CodeBlock attr str) =
case writerHighlightStyle opts of
Nothing -> return $ D.literal str
Just s -> do
let fmt o = formatANSI o s
result = highlight (writerSyntaxMap opts) fmt attr str
return $ case result of
Left _ -> D.literal str
Right f -> D.literal f

blockToANSI opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
contents <- withFewerColumns 2 $ blockListToANSI opts blocks
return ( D.prefixed "" contents $$ D.blankline)

blockToANSI _ Table{} = do
return $ D.literal "[TABLE]"

blockToANSI opts (BulletList items) = do
contents <- withFewerColumns 2 $ mapM (blockListToANSI opts) items
return $ D.vsep (fmap hangMark contents) where
hangMark d = D.hang 2 (D.literal "") d

blockToANSI opts (OrderedList attribs items) = do
let markers = fmap D.literal $ take (length items) $ orderedListMarkers attribs
let hangWidth = foldr (max . D.offset) 0 markers
contents <- withFewerColumns hangWidth $ mapM (blockListToANSI opts) items
return $ hangMarks hangWidth markers contents <>

blockToANSI opts (DefinitionList items) = do
labels <- mapM (inlineListToANSI opts . fst) items
columns <- gets stColumns
let hangWidth = foldr (max . D.offset) 0 labels
if hangWidth > floor (toRational columns / 10 * 3)
then do
contents <- withFewerColumns 4 $ mapM ((mapM (blockListToANSI opts)) . snd) items
return $ stackMarks (D.bold <$> labels) (D.vsep <$> contents) <>
else do
contents <- withFewerColumns hangWidth $ mapM ((mapM (blockListToANSI opts)) . snd) items
return $ hangMarks hangWidth (D.bold <$> labels) (D.vsep <$> contents) <>

blockToANSI opts (Figure _ (Caption _ caption) body) = do
let captionInlines = blocksToInlines caption
captionMarkup <- if null captionInlines
then return D.empty
else inlineListToANSI opts (blocksToInlines caption)
contents <- blockListToANSI opts body
return $ captionMarkup <> contents <> D.blankline

-- Auxiliary functions for lists:

-- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to ANSI
blockListToANSI :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions -- ^ Options
-> [Block] -- ^ List of block elements
-> TW m (D.Doc Text)
blockListToANSI opts blocks =
D.vsep <$> mapM (blockToANSI opts) blocks

-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to ANSI
inlineListToANSI :: PandocMonad m
=> WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> TW m (D.Doc Text)
inlineListToANSI opts lst =
D.hcat <$> mapM (inlineToANSI opts) lst

-- | Convert Pandoc inline element to ANSI
inlineToANSI :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Inline -> TW m (D.Doc Text)

inlineToANSI opts (Span _ lst) =
inlineListToANSI opts lst

inlineToANSI opts (Emph lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToANSI opts lst
return $ D.italic contents

inlineToANSI opts (Underline lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToANSI opts lst
return $ D.underlined contents

inlineToANSI opts (Strong lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToANSI opts lst
return $ D.bold contents

inlineToANSI opts (Strikeout lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToANSI opts lst
return $ D.strikeout contents

inlineToANSI opts (Superscript lst) = do
case traverse toSuperscriptInline lst of
Just xs -> inlineListToANSI opts xs
Nothing -> inlineListToANSI opts lst >>= return . D.parens

inlineToANSI opts (Subscript lst) = do
case traverse toSuperscriptInline lst of
Just xs -> inlineListToANSI opts xs
Nothing -> inlineListToANSI opts lst >>= return . D.parens

inlineToANSI opts (SmallCaps lst) = inlineListToANSI opts lst

inlineToANSI opts (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToANSI opts lst
return $ "" <> contents <> ""

inlineToANSI opts (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
contents <- inlineListToANSI opts lst
return $ "" <> contents <> ""

inlineToANSI opts (Cite _ lst) = inlineListToANSI opts lst

-- Making a judgment call here that for ANSI-formatted output
-- intended for reading, we want to reflow inline Code on spaces
inlineToANSI _ (Code _ str) =
return $ D.white $ D.fg D.magenta $ D.hcat flow
where flow = intersperse (D.literal <$> T.words str)

inlineToANSI _ (Str str) = return $ D.literal str

inlineToANSI opts (Math t str) = texMathToInlines t str >>= inlineListToANSI opts

inlineToANSI _ il@RawInline{} = do
report $ InlineNotRendered il
return ""

inlineToANSI _ LineBreak = return

inlineToANSI _ SoftBreak = return

inlineToANSI _ Space = return

inlineToANSI opts (Link (_, _, _) txt (src, _)) = do
label <- inlineListToANSI opts txt
return $ D.fg D.cyan $ src label

inlineToANSI opts (Image _ alt _) = do
alt' <- inlineListToANSI opts alt
return $ "image: " <> alt'

-- by construction, we should never be lacking in superscript characters
-- for the footnote number, but we'll fall back to square brackets anyway
inlineToANSI opts (Note contents) = do
curNotes <- gets stNotes
let newnum = tshow $ length curNotes + 1
contents' <- blockListToANSI opts contents
modify $ \s -> s { stNotes = contents' : curNotes }
let super = T.pack <$> (traverse toSuperscript (T.unpack newnum))
return $ D.literal $ fromMaybe ("[" <> newnum <> "]") super

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