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Jenne Cattoor edited this page Jan 27, 2023 · 4 revisions

Coach feedback

Wed 11 Jan

First consult with coach for this project. Mainly going over my project and my goal. I shared the link to my blog and showed the first wireframes. Main feedback was to make a detailed planning from day to day, writing out all the user stories and finish the wireframes by the next coaching moment. He also stated that I should user test the wireframes and flow of app with a second person. So I scheduled an appointment on Monday with someone to go over that and get some user feedback.

Thu 17 Jan

I showed the progress and planning I made to my coach, he gave some tips on how to test out all the different tools. He suggested to link some kind of deliverables to every tool and try out if I can complete them. I set up the '5 pillars of the perfect no-code tool' and listed 5 things I look for in every no code tool:

  • Easy-to-use
  • Making forms with validation
  • Integrating own design
  • Database with authentication options
  • Option to add custom code if no-code isn't enough

Wed 25 Jan

I met on campus with my coach and briefly showed him some of the results of trying out all the different no-code tools. Additionally, I showed him the progress I made on the next iteration on FlutterFlow. His main feedback was to make sure all the Firestore rules are setup correct so only users with the right permission can create, update, write and delete. He also advised to post some questions of tools on forums to show that I am open to feedback. Also told me to check out scheduling algorithms, record screens of demos I made with tools, and adding final touches to the app like icons.

User testing

Mon 16 Jan

I showed the app I designed in the first week to both a regular lifeguard and the head-lifeguard to check if the app actually meets their needs. This is the feedback I got

Head lifeguard (admin)

The head-lifeguard view is very different from the lifeguard view. They need to see different things and have different access. I wrote the needs they added as user stories to make it more clear

  • As an admin, I want to see all the lifeguard posts and EHBO posts in one clear overview, so that I have control over everything

  • As an admin, I want to add important events like EHBO sessions, so that all the lifeguard get notified.

  • As an admin, I want to add pdf's like the 'draaiboek' and 'PO Examen', so that all the lifeguards can access it

  • As an admin, I want a todo list with only admins, so that we can share tasks between admins

  • As an admin, I want to see the full leave arrangement of a post, so that I can check it out

  • As an admin, I want to tell all the posts which colour of flag to hang, so that all the posts know which flag they have to hang

  • As an admin, I want to create a form with dates, so that regular lifeguards can bring their clothes to the headquarters.

  • As an admin, I want to let people sign their contracts digitally, so that they don't have to do it on the first day

  • As an admin, I want a clear overview of all the statistics, so that I can quickly communicate relevant information

  • As an admin, I want to arrange replacements, so that shortages can be addressed immediately.

As you can see, there are a lot of new user stories after interviewing the head lifeguard and adjuncts. I will probably not be able to implement them within this short timeframe but they are useful to keep in mind when making the app.


I wasn't able to add many user stories by interviewing a fellow lifeguard. Most user stories were already in place because I'm a lifeguard myself so I understand their needs.

  • As a lifeguard, I want to submit my commuter traffic tickets, so that I can get my money back from the municipality

  • As a lifeguard, I want to add dates that I can work extra (vlinder), so that the admins can possibly let me work extra days.

  • As a lifeguard, I want to ask for permission to possibly leave earlier, so that I can leave earlier for an emergency appointment