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A simple web hook that forwards prometheus alerts over XMPP.


To use, configure a web hook in alertmanager. E.g.:

- name: 'jelmer-xmpp'
  - url: ''

Edit the configuration file (defaults to /etc/prometheus/xmpp-alerts.yml):

jid: '[email protected]'
password: 'PASSWORD'
# Alternatively, set a 'password_command' that should write a password to
# stdout
# password_command: 'pass show xmpp-alertmanager'
to_jid: '[email protected]'
listen_address: ''
listen_port: 9199

# Text message template as jinja2; defaults to html_template with tags stripped.
text_template: |
 {{ status.upper() }}: *{{ labels.alertname }}* at {{ or labels.instance }}:\
 {{ annotations.message }}. {{ generatorURL }}

And run the web hook::

$ python3 -m prometheus_xmpp --config=/etc/prometheus/xmpp-alerts.yaml

If you have amtool set up, then you can also allow to_jid to see existing alerts and manage silences. Set the amtool_allowed option to JIDs that are allowed to use amtool.

Docker file

You can build your own docker images using the Dockerfile in this directory, or use Provide your configuration in /config.yaml.

Message Format

The default message format looks something like this:

FIRING: AlertName at somehost: Alert Summary.

The text_template option in the configuration can be used to customize the format, using jinja2.


The web hook can be accessed on three paths:

  • /alert: used by Prometheus to deliver alerts, expects POST requests with JSON body
  • /test: delivers a test message
  • /metrics: exposes statistics about number of alerts received